Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Inserting Tampons Voyeur

manifesto in defense of fundamental rights on the Internet

I join, of course.

"Given the inclusion in the Draft Law on Sustainable economy of legislative changes affecting the free exercise of freedom of expression, information and the right of access to culture through the Internet, journalists, bloggers, users, Internet professionals and developers express our firm opposition to the project, and declare that ...

1 .- Copyright can not be above the fundamental rights of citizens, including the right to privacy, security, the presumption of innocence, to effective judicial protection and freedom of expression.

2 .- The suspension of fundamental rights is and must remain the exclusive competence of the judiciary. Not a close without trial. This blueprint, contrary to the provisions of Article 20.5 of the Constitution, put in the hands of a non-judicial body - a body under the Ministry of Culture - the power to prevent English citizens access to any website. 3 .-

The new legislation will create legal uncertainty around the English technology sector, damaging one of the few areas of development and future of our economy , hindering the creation of enterprises by introducing barriers to competition and slowing its international expansion. 4 .-

The new proposed legislation threatens the creativity and hinder cultural creation. With The Internet and new technologies have democratized the creation and release of contents of any kind, no longer come predominantly from the traditional cultural industries, but from many different sources. 5 .-

Authors, like all workers are entitled to live out of their creative ideas, business models and activities associated with their creations . Trying to hold with legislative changes to an outdated industry that can adapt to this new environment is neither fair nor realistic. If your business model is based on the control of the copies of the works and the Internet is not possible without violating fundamental rights, should find another model. 6 .-

believe that cultural industries need to survive modern alternatives, effective, credible and affordable to suit new social uses , rather than limitations so disproportionate as to be ineffective in that they are pursuing.

7 .- Internet should function freely and without interference from groups that seek to perpetuate outdated business models and make it impossible that human knowledge remains free. 8 .-

We urge the Government to guarantee the neutrality of the law in Spain Network, to any pressure that may occur as a framework for developing a sustainable economy for the future. 9 .-

propose a real reform of intellectual property rights-oriented end: return to the society of knowledge, promote the public domain and limit abuses of management entities.

10 .- In a democracy, laws and amendments should be adopted after due debate and consultation with all parties involved . Not only be made legislative changes affecting fundamental rights in a non-organic law and deals with other matters. "

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How Did Mary And Joseph Dress?

The Conspiranoia of climate change.

In these times of great campaigns of misinformation, I would like to reflect on the climate change denied.

course the climate is complex, and to make concrete predictions more than a week is absurd. But other trends that are predictable and misfits as well.

what scientists say is not going to make more heat, or colder, but the complex dynamic systems are stable local minima and if you meet the threshold of imbalance, move to a new balance different the current, and it occurs more or less abrupt.

It's like you have a ball rolling on a surface bumpy. As the ball is kept in a rut and do not have enough energy to push the edge of the hole, you have a balance. If you manage to overcome these edges, either because the qualities of more energy, or because they modify the shape of the bumpy surface, will soon scouring the surface until it is trapped in another slump and reach a balance.

The climate is like the bumpy surface, and the models predict is that we will emerge from that point of balance, and therefore can not predict is how will we end the slump. That means you can make colder or warmer, or the distribution is different, or change the Gulf Stream, or acute, etc.

The fundamental problem is that there will be a change and that change is disastrous for an economy. Rain in the Sahara, for instance, would take hundreds of years that more is less like a desert, but no one now lives in the Sahara. It stops raining so much in India would end the lives of millions of people in a few years. Raise or lower the sea level is a disaster for coastal areas. etc.

What is difficult to quantify is when you break the balance, even if the greenhouse effect will in a few years. Only have models that try to emulate the behavior of the climate. And those models are imperfect, the more erroneous the greater the period of their forecasts.

But what is happening these years is that the models are wrong by conservatives, not bold, and the changes that are occurring now are greater than those predicted.

If you're going downhill without brakes, you might end up finding the end an uphill stop you, but you may find a corner and you estampes. I prefer to put the brakes on my bike, while others prefer to say that we are in a plain, and there is no reason to brake.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Premium Increase After Geico Accident

Financial Institutions Act



Art . 39 - The capital must be employed by the national economy and have the main purpose of social welfare. Various forms of exploitation can not offend the purposes of common benefit of the Argentine people. (Constitution Argentina 1949)

A little history

The Argentine financial system is regulated by the Financial Institutions Act (Law 21,526), \u200b\u200benacted on February 14, 1977. was the Minister of Economy Joseph A. Martinez de Hoz, during the dictatorship of Rafael Videla, who passed this law. This "process" also contemplated the Grain Act (1976) and the Broadcasting Act (1980), three rules which together ensure the implementation of neoliberal economic model and that except for the recent New Communication Services Act Audiovisual had continued until today. no coincidence these are three very sensitive issues for Kirchner, faced with the media and the field, and worried about what might happen on stage stock despite the current financial stability, since the Law Financial Institutions of the dictatorship favors a system of accumulation based on the financial capital replacement of production and labor, which opposes the current government's economic model. Throughout its 32 years, 21,526 standard was amended 17 times, nine and eight law by presidential decree, any they changed the spirit of that bench is not committed to the development of Argentina, built in the '70s and perfected during convertibility. This law, fully liberalized financial activity, failed to be employed in productive investment and consumption sustainable, and reinforced as a purely private business that prioritized individual gain on social development. This model of deregulation, concentration, privatization, foreign ownership and financial speculation, failed repeatedly and had his great failure in the 2001 crisis - 2002. In the current context of international crisis and further claim in the process of industrialization is a need to change the rules of the financial system because, besides not fulfilling its role of channeling resources to productive activity, the messes that may occur in it, as happened in 2001 in the country and between 2007 and 2008 in the United States could move quickly to the real economy impacting on the productive sectors and employment.


The model installed during the last military dictatorship was not a banking system with "flexibility and efficiency", as raised in their speeches Jose Alfredo Martinez de Hoz, but enhanced the instability and vulnerability of the economy, ended the process of industrialization and encouraged the chance of foreign debt. The reduction of post-convertible market, change in economic policy from 2003 and the relative "strength" that showed the banking system during the current international financial crisis does not imply that systemic risk is gone it generates.
force and hegemonic power are evident when the formation of active external (capital flight) threatens to undermine the process of product growth, employment and investment. According to economists Alan Cibils and Cecilia Allami, the three legs of the profound changes were
- Deregulation the interest rate to increase the supply of credit.
- The incentive to entry to a greater number of financial institutions in the market to make it "competitive."
- The capital account liberalization, allowing the free flow of capital.
The main measures implemented are highlighted:
- Any change in the specialization of financial institutions by a criterion of universality.
- The Central Bank failed to fix the interest rate that was attached to the free interplay of supply and demand.
- Commercial banks have become carriers of the exclusive right to act as intermediaries.
- High interest rates stimulated the banking business.
- was ordered extension of the Central Bank to guarantee deposits in local currency for all entities .
One of the first consequences of the reform was the merger of the financial system. The number of commercial banks increased significantly, while decreasing the number of financial institutions. This process was accompanied by an increase in the subsidiaries. Banks credit unions, an important source of SME financing in the mid-60s, were the main victims. Came to be about 1000 and today are only two and a bench (Credicoop). It also destroyed the system of public banks that went from 34 to 12 through privatizations and liquidations. Besides the concentration was a strong foreign capital: from 1977 until the currency crisis, the number of foreign financial institutions grew steadily .
theory argued that Martinez de Hoz spreads (the difference in borrowing and lending rates) is reduced with increased competition did not happen. Rodrigo Lopez The researcher explained that "something important to make clear is that need to change the law not for the high profit margins with financial institutions, but because they affect the rest of the economy almost exclusively by channeling resources towards consumption. " The lack of tools to guide the state credit allowed banks to allocate resources to those sectors that would ensure the greatest profit in the shortest time.
According to the latest data available for 99 percent of the credits awarded may not exceed 200 thousand dollars. The Central Bank data does not differentiate credit if the policyholder is an individual or a company, but from the size loan and the amount of taxable makers can be inferred that most of these are personal loans (to finance consumption and credit cards), which account for 34 percent of the total. Meanwhile, borrowing from 1 to 50 million pesos (mainly to finance foreign trade operations) are a few companies that account for 60 percent of the total.
Unlike what happens in other countries, the current law does not provide any specification on the minimal presence of institutions in different parts of the country, since the reform abolished the territorial preferences the previous legislation, from a regional system to another country. Following the demise of the regional banks and distrust after the banking crisis of 1980 saw a marked geographical concentration of branches in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Santa Fe and Buenos Aires City, a situation that ended up postponing the regional economies and SMEs, whose chances of access were strongly conditioned by the high level of interest rates.
The Financial Institutions Act established the dictatorship of very large functions for the universal bank so the rest of the majors, such as mortgage banks, were not developed. Article 21 states that "commercial banks may perform all operations ... they are not prohibited by this law." The rules do not provide what they can do but what should not, by waiving the State's ability to control and direct credit, and reducing its tools to control the high degree of risk that has proven over the past 32 years. ; Instead of doing everything that is not prohibited for financial legal system should provide what they can do. Different specialists emphasize the need for reform along with the Financial Institutions Act, the Central Bank Charter, as both belong to the same neo-liberal paradigm, in a way that points to secure financing at low rates of production and where the monetary authority's objective is not only low-cost clean the entities trouble, but is committed to stimulating economic growth . mid-2007, the then deputy Mercedes Marco del Pont Kirchner proposed to amend the charter of the Central. The initiative was approved by the Finance Committee of the House, but eventually the project floundered. Opposed to Wall Street and from the Central Bank itself. The head of the National Bank proposed, among other things, that the "primary and fundamental mission" contemplated in addition to price stability, sustaining a high level of growth and employment.
By this law the Central Bank failed to fix the interest rate that was attached to the free interplay of supply and demand, tipping the scales for the concentration of capital, meanwhile, the banks commercial carriers became the exclusive right to act as intermediaries. These points are only some of which the Government must change to provide a new regulatory framework for financial markets in the country.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wedding Contract Templates


In Argentina, Clarín Group ADEPA controls, the Association of Journalistic Entities of Argentina comprising the daily paper; ATA, the Argentine Association of Broadcasters grouping channels TV "Air", "controls" ATVC, the Cable Television Association , controls ARPA, the Association of Private Radio Argentina. Progress has been made on paper companies to print newspapers, which are grouped in Association of Pulp and Paper , etc. .. So CLARIN MANAGE THE INSTITUTIONAL ENTREPRENEUR OF MEDIA CORPORATION.
The group's shareholding structure is as follows: 70.9% GC domain (Ernestina Herrera de Noble, Hector Magneto, Lucio Pagliaro and Jose Aranda), 9.2% Goldman Sachs SA., And 20% in public offering on the stock of Buenos Aires and London (since 2007). Its graphics are
media: Graphic Art Editorial Argentino SA (AGEA). Diario Clarín, Olé newspaper, magazines, Geniuses, Garden of Genius (monthly) Ñ journal, magazine and journal Viva Teaching. SA magazine publisher (Elle International Collections, Elle Decoration, Elle Men). Graphic Arts Rioplatense. Print publications such as books Fresh Ink, Viva, Genii, Teaching, Collectibles Clarín, pamphlets for Olé, La Voz del Interior and the Andes. In 2005 printed brochures for Jumbo, Coto, Freedom, Easy and Toledo. Also for chains like Frávega, Garbarino, Compumundo, Cetrogar, House Audio, Musimundo, among others. Join Private E-division (operating since 1997). Has the daily La Razón (75% Grupo Clarín, 25% Family Spadone). Popular distributed supplement China Export Argentina; mpripost. data printing, distribution of documents and Finishing. (50% and 50% Grupo Clarín Techint); CIMECO (Inversora Company in the Media) 100% of Grupo Clarin. Controls: Diario La Voz del Interior (Córdoba), Diario Los Andes (Mendoza). Through La Voz del Interior controls the evening Day by Day Directions Magazine (Sunday for La Voz del Interior, Cordoba and Los Andes de Mendoza). SMEs magazine, Revista ARQ (Architecture), Revista Miradas (Multichannel). Looks sold in Paraguay as entertainment magazine. The agency Diarios y Noticias (DyN) (25, 6% Grupo Clarin and La Nacion, El Cronista, Buenos Aires Herald and 13 other newspapers of the country).
On TV business is Artear SA (99.2% Grupo Clarín). Controls
Channel 13, the signal TN (Todo Noticias) signal back, Magazine, Channel 12 (Córdoba), Channel 7 (bay Blanca), Bariloche TV Channel 6, TVC Pinamar, Miramar MTV, TSN Necochea and musical signal in my language I want music. Controls Cablevision SA. Cablevision / Fibertel (60% and 40% Gupo Fintech Clarín. This society is composed of Vistone LLC, 1.68%; VLG Argentina LLC, 51.3%; CVB Holdings LLC, 3.99%; Soutelo Holdings SA, 28.69% .) Its main subsidiary is Multicanal SA. Regional multichannel (in Uruguay TVC; in Paraguay Multicanal); Teledigital Neuquén Cablevision CVC Comahue SA General Roca (Black River). Multichannel
PRIMA is a subsidiary of International.
Its second subsidiary is: Teledigital Holding. (Means of Neuquen and Corrientes) Encrypted Satellite Television SA. By Trisa (Telered Image SA) had broadcast football matches live or delayed (50% Grupo Clarín, 50% Torneos y Competencias) until the government and the FAA signed an agreement that ended the exclusivity of the Panel on First division football. Owner TyCSports Signal and Signal TyC Max. Production of programs: Futbol de Primera, Mission Cup. Convention program production in Buenos Aires. Supercanal Holding (51.2% Uno-Vila/Manzano- Group, 28.2% MasTec, Mas Canosa, "Clarín Group 20%) and the Rural Canal Satellite. (30% Grupo Clarín). In the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, TVC, TV company consolidated by "air" UHF home, controlling 22.5% of subscribers.
Its content producers are Pol - Ka (30% by Artear Grupo Clarin SA and 55% of the shares, the rest have Adrián Suar and Fernando Blanco); Patagonik Film Group SA (40% Grupo Clarín, 40% Walt Disney Company and 20% did not know). Clarín Artear participates through SA and Pol-Ka and Disney does the same through the Chilean Cinecolor). Also Ideas del Sur (70% Marcelo Tinelli and Miguel Angel Gutierrez, 30% by Grupo Clarín SA Artear).
The group's radio stations are Radio Mitre SA (100% controls): Mitre (AM 790), FM 100 and FM 102.9 MHz, Córdoba (GC Minor SA).
Interactive digital media is the Digital Media Company (CMD, 100% Grupo Clarín). Includes the production of digital content of all media group. Has Clarín Global Internet (100%): Clarí, (Spain), Má Guide, and,, (in partnership); Datamarkets (via CMD). Includes International CMD, CMD Do Brasil, is a provider of Internet connectivity to Internet City; Fullzero, Flash broadband. Vontel controls (Mobile Broadband).
has an alliance with Ertach (former Millicom, Grupo Soldati of wireless, wireless) and one with the which in 2005 won a tender of the Buenos Aires government to set up a data transmission network. Controls 100% of GC Shared Management SA. (Payroll with clients such as Pepsico and Uruguay horn); Fairs and Exhibitions Argentinas SA, promotes Expoagro (since 2007 along with The Nation); Expo Argentina 2005 Educational and "Caminos y Sabores". ExpoPesca (2008. Mar del Plata) with The Nation Inversora Events (IESA) controls 51% carbides and TC 2000, the Noble Foundation, Papel Prensa Grupo Clarin SA 49%. (AGEA 37% plus 12% CIMECO), 22.05%, The Nation, 27.5% of the national government. La Nación SA transferred in September 2007 a 12% their actions and exponentiate CIMECO a publisher of textbooks, Tinta Fresca (Argentina). Since 2007, Mexico published in school textbooks as Rivers of ink, with Mexico's Grupo Multimedia. Google sells
spaces. Fotolog has signed agreements with to expand the site in Argentina and Brazil. Likewise with Intel Corporation in venturs Join for Digital Entertainment division.
With AdTime has static advertising rights for 18 of the top 20 stadiums Argentines (50% Grupo Clarín, 50% Torneos y Competencias). Local control "football crazy x" and Mariva Bank (bank payments).


La Nacion SA owns the newspaper La Nación, the Management Review (50% and 50% Nation HSM Group), Rolling Stone., Places, Living, now Mom. The garden in Argentina, Brando (Men ABC 1) and Lóala Magazine.
produces digital and interactive media like The Nation on Line (portal); De (It is produced also in Chile) and
has 27.5% of Papel Prensa SA Club Hotel Las Dunas, Promotes Style Pilar; Expoagro (since 2007 Clarín). ExpoPesca (with Clarín) and manages a portion of the agency Diarios y Noticias (DyN) (with Clarin, La Nacion, El Cronista, Buenos Aires Herald and 13 daily inland). The Foundation is also the Nation). This group is in with 50% of its shares to Barton Corp. of Grand Cayman.


Emerging trunk of Franco himself, Jesus de Polanco, who died in 2007, devised and implemented the Grupo Prisa. Appears in Argentina and the rest of Latin America (1,200 radios) for the state policy of Spain to leave a position in the business territory forcing the South to deregulation, privatization and opening up their markets. These companies include: Union Fenosa, Endesa (11 million customers in Latin America) and Iberdrola (Electricity) Repsol YPF and Gas Natural (Oil), SCH and BBVA (banking) and Telefónica (telecommunications). in Latin America, is in 19 countries and growing.
In Argentina, in November 2004, Prisa, before joining American capital to take advantage of the agreements signed by Menem in 94, reached an agreement to acquire Continental Radio AM and FM broadcasts from Buenos Aires and Mar del Silver irregular agreements with more than 50 stations. In Buenos Aires also has the FM Hit and spread throughout the rest of the country, five FM licenses in Rio Cuarto, Santa Fe, Corrientes, Salta and Cipolletti through tenders won in 2001.
The group receives advertising Repsol-YPF and Telefonica have equity ties with the banks BBVA and BSCH, creating a network of convergence between the major corporations in Spain in the financial, energy and communication. From the Editorial Santillana
influences and educational textbooks, Santillana Prisa has nine imprints in 22 countries. Prisa edited version of "Country International" is distributed in many countries in Latin America. Also the Rolling Stone "in Mexico.
Through Radio Union with 28 million listeners across Spain, the United States, Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama, Argentina, Bolivia, Venezuela and Chile. In Mexico, own with Televisa, the Radiópolis. Operates 71 stations covering 90% of Mexico: W Radio, 40 Principales, Kiss Ke Buena Radio and W. Stadium In Chile, for W Radio, the Prisa Group has 32 stations, for Kiss: 12 stations, of 40 Main: 20 broadcasters and Active Radio: 26 stations. In Costa Rica, Grupo Latino de Radio (Rush) has four and in 2006 launched The New 907FM. In Panama, the 12 GLR stations broadcast formats and W Radio 40 Principales. In the United States station Caracol USA is the leader in the Miami area and issues W Radio formats. W Radio 690 AM in English in Los Angeles and southern California. Grupo Prisa is the majority shareholder in Bolivia's La Razon newspaper, El Nuevo Dia de Santa Cruz and Extra, and participates in the ATB television network. In Bolivia appear, with Mas Canosa, Vilas-Manzano Group with cables in La Paz and Santa Cruz de la Sierra. In Venezuela, Grupo Prisa with the Cisneros Group, the chain is associated Venevision, the largest media group in the country with Venevision Plus, Venevision Continental, Venevision International TV, Pay TV Venevision International, Vene Movies, Film Distribution Venevision International, Venevision International Productions, Venevision International Publishing, Vene Music, Feel Music, Venemobile and LatCel.
*. Venevision, has been denounced by its direct involvement in the attempted coup of April 2002. *
On December 22, 2006, Union Radio, Prisa acquired 100% of the shares of Latin American in the hands of Claxson. Through Consorcio Radial de Chile-owner of Radioactive, Kiss, Los 40 Principales (Chile) and W Radio Chile, "Rush went on to become the largest player in the Chilean broadcasting, by adding eight formulas and over 140 radio stations associated throughout the country. Currently, Latin American and CRC are merged under the name Ibero American Radio Chile. In your letter has a high level radio Tuning in Chile Pudahuel Radio, Radio Future Radio Hit FM, Radio Rock & Pop FM and Radio Two. Publishes the newspaper "La Razon" in Bolivia, the "Extra" and "El Nuevo Día (Santa Cruz). Prisa is associated since October 2003 with the British printing group Polestar and Ibersuizas society. GROUP


Hadad became a journalist on "The plot and the reverse," was a gold sponsor, Alfredo Yabran, which according to Marcelo Longobardi, gave him $ 80 000 per month. The leap was the appropriation of the powerful radio wave Municipal, now a Radio 10 through a controversial tender in 1995. 98.3 FM, La Mega, born as "News" was a mobile radio that came from the Casa Rosada, the Menem government, which was assigned a National radio frequency. One day I said: "Lower the lever." 24 hours later, the News began to leave without competition or anything. "
In 1998, brothers Carlos and Remo Fioroni, a former radio licensees Argentina denounced him for "attempted extortion." According to the complainants, "Hadad threatened and offered money to leave early AM 1110 frequency." Daniel Hadad
A * always was attributed to have some hidden partner, a partner "ghost." Refuted a thousand times Hadad completed the sale of 80 percent of Channel 9, he had bought with Benjamin and Fernando Vijnovsky Sokolowicz (owner of Page 12), Mexican-born American businessman Angel Gonzalez, dubbed just "ghost" who holds a monopoly in Guatemala. In 1999, the country's political center was located in Miami. There he received the candidates and Gonzalez acted as virtual godfather, said the Argentine site González
owns channels 3, 7, 11 and 13 in Nicaragua has the channels 4 and 10, in Costa Rica, the signals 4, 6 and 11, in Ecuador, channels 4 and 5, in Peru, the channels 9 and 13, in Chile, channels 4 and 2 (Red TV), and in Paraguay, channels 5 and 9. In the Dominican Republic program channels 2 and 11 *. Angel González Mexico has regional channels: Channel 9 in Villa Hermosa, Tabasco Tenocique 12 in, 5 in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Tapachula and 4 in 9 in Coatzacualco, Minatitlan, Veracruz state, and a company of rooms Film in Mexico and Central America.
While the Cultural Property Act limits the possibility that a foreign group has more than 30% of the Argentine media, the rule does not run with Gonzalez, and that this prevention: is protected, from the government of Carlos Menem, the reciprocity agreement with U.S. investment.
Daniel Hadad, the former employer continues Menem journals to his credit: Trend Men, Women Trend., The Cable News Channel 5 (C5N), Radio 10 (AM 710), Mega (FM 98.3), Amadeus FM 103.7 ( San Isidro, Province of BsAs) Latin Pop FM 101.5. (Ex FM Network) Vale 75.5 FM, the digital diary and Crossfone Argentina Telephony broadband (with Daniel Vila and Francisco De Narváez) and would be buying UOL Sinectis.


Remigio Angel Gonzalez Mexican living and Miami, is the monopoly Media in Guatemala and has powerful media in Chile, Peru, Paraguay and extends to 15 countries in Latin America, as we saw, admission to Argentina to buy Channel 9 TV (from January 2007 to 85% and Hadad in December 2007 withdrew.)


In 1994, Alfredo Vila and his son Daniel, founded the company Supercanal dedicated to cable TV, in partnership with another Mendoza, Orlando Terranova who sold his shares in 1995 employer "worm" Jorge Mas Canosa, a Cuban refugee in Miami owner of the firm MasTec Inc *. The Most Trusted Man Canosa, was José Luis Manzano, who had contributed 300 million for the purchase of cables inside the country through partnerships with names Varela Beccar study which were then replaced by relatives or people you trust for Daniel Vila. The future of the holding is now in the hands of ING Baring Funds.
José Luis Manzano and his partner Daniel Vila were reported to the Federal Administration of Public Revenue, AFIP, for allegedly laundering more than $ 400 million and a breach of criminal law through capital tax deposited outside the country who were hospitalized by Citicorp Investment Bank by MasTec Inc. This means that no one knows certain whether the money was from Mas Canosa or Manzano using Mas Canosa to enter the country. Then with ING Baring bank credits completed the raid on media investments that took place between the years 1995-1997 ": 25 cable TV companies with a portfolio of 227 thousand subscribers in Mendoza, San Juan, Catamarca, La Rioja, San Luis and Cordoba with 46 transactions for the purchase or merger and cable TV, radio and printing, as information supplied by the same group in October 1998.
In 1997, acquired 25% of Procon, a cable channel telephony, Castilla y León, Spain where they created, Spain Cable Supercanal adding U $ S 150 million from Argentina. In Santo Domingo, Dominican Supercanal put a TV system. Strategic cable.
UNO in 1997 became the Group held 51% of the daily La Capital, Rosario, the newspaper New Time, Paraná, LT3 Radio stations and LT Cerealista 8 of Rosario FM radios in the provinces of Santa Fe and Entre Rios. Purchases worth mentioning the 72% Stornello group (owner of Channel 7 Mendoza, 8 San Juan, San Juan Calingasta Radio, FM Radio Our, San Juan, and Rio Diamante TV). The Vila-Manzano relationship with Citibank would have established the banker Raul Moneta.
Group One has the following print media: The City (Rosario). Multimedia The Capital. La Mañana de Córdoba. Magazines: New (Sunday in provincial newspapers), Power Magazine (also); Society, First Row, located in Mendoza Magazines & Soup (school) One Graphic, One Journal (ZMA), The Citizen (ZMA); Diario Uno (Between Rivers); Journal One (Santa Fe), the Supercanal Holding (51.2% Group A-Vila-Manzano, 28.2% MasTec, Mas Canosa, "Clarín Group 20%). 51.2% of Group One: Family Vila 97.3%, 2.7% Manzano through Integra Financial Services, America TV (51% AISA-Group One, 34% Avila-Nofal and 15% Eurnekian) Canal 6 San Rafael, Mendoza Canal 7, Canal 8 San Juan, Channel 5 San Juan. Cable TV, Supercanal (Channel 2). Rio Gallegos Radios Network (100% AISA, although not yet recognized Avila sale); Radio Rivadavia. (Calls for participation from 10% to 40% in legal dispute. The remaining 60% is Luis Scepter) Nihuil AM / FM Brava Latinos FM, FM Montecristo, FM Yesterday, AM LV2 Ciudad de Córdoba (60% Eduardo Guiaimo , 40% Vila-Manzano) Diffusion SA Rosario (LT3); Voices SA (LT8) FM Channel 100, Century FM station (89.3 Concordia, Entre Rios); FM Meridian, LT15 Radio Litoral (Concordia), LT 41 Gualeguaychú LT 39 Radio Radio Victoria Calingasta Radio (AM 990 San Juan); Our Window FM (103.5 San Juan); Signs and cables as Horizonte (Mza.) Supercanal (Mza.), Trinidad TV (Mza.) CTC Cable (San Rafael); Telecable (Godoy Cruz), His Channel (Lujan de Cuyo); Pehuenche Cable (Malargue) TV: Cablevideo Channel 2 (Santa Fe); Signs Channel 4, Channel 11 and Rio Canal.La, Internet Access, Airlink SA and others like Puerto Rosario (20% Manzano, Guillermo Salazar Boero 15%, 15% Carlos Espindola; Gustavo Shanahan 10% and 10% Interlog Port-Catalonia, Spain), the electrical distributor Shareholding Daniel Edemsa with Alfredo Vila Vila and José Luis Manzano in Edemsa; Metópoli Public Track Outdoor Advertising (Rosario and nearby) Investment Company and Integra Consulting invesment, the oil consortium composed of Cliveden Petroleum Argentina, Kilwa SA and Investment SA (Manzano). Pagina 12 reported in October 2008 as "Chiveden" is supposed to Pilar Cañada area, Pico Salamanca and Salamanca Mina Austrofueguina SA, all in Mendoza. according to the newspaper Critica May 2008, the consortium is called "Ketsal-Kilwa."
The group De Narvaez-Vila-Manzano was a partner in the financial area until two years ago (2007) when it bought its 20% a son of Julio Ramos (Claudio). Last year (2008) the newspaper was bought by Orlando Vignatti, which is today only owner. So is now the City of El Rosario. GROUP

CIE (Corporación Interamericana de Entretenimiento)

CIE is a company dedicated, among other things, to make the Moonparks, Southfest and Creamfields, with its sub-companies: 2net. Handles Rock & Pop FM (95.9); Radioset (Bar-open study of Puerto Madero) The Metro FM (95.1); AM Splendid (being sold) Blue FM (formerly Radio Show)) and controls Ticketmaster and Ticketek.
Mexican company CIE, gave 74% of the business to participate in 24% of Newco, the new company, bringing together business in Brazil, Mexico and Argentina to the Brazilian businessman Fernando Alterio and Brazilian investment fund Gavea investment, and of Arminio Fraga, head of the Central Bank of Brazil Fernando Cardoso, and before the Goldman Sachs investment banking group linked to Clarin.
Gavea is the same background, with Woods Stanton, a Colombian citizen Argentine bought McDonald's from throughout Latin America with the help of Credit Suisse, JP Morgan and Capital International fund has invested U $ S 1 billion in 60 companies Latin America such as Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. Have been included in the operation 50% of the production company Pop Art, who founded Roberto Costa, Ticketek and Ticketmaster, the Opera Theatre and Quilmes Rock. Outside of the operation were the local zoo and radios that control the Mexicans, like Blue, Metro and Rock & Pop
ICN entry into Argentina by buying the entrepreneur Daniel Grinback a part of this successful youth radio, the Rock & pop. They had bought the Opera Theatre, and were members of Grinbank, but Daniel Grinback was scared, he chose to give all the shares and retire. He made some statements in the media did not worked more with the CIE, owner of Rock and Pop, because the group washed drug money.


Carlos Avila and his son Juan Cruz signed the transfer of 35% of the shares held in AISA (Avila Inversora SA), which Zarobe passed to the employer and member society Francisco de Narvaez and the Group One So 95% of the shares remained in multimedia * Zarobe hands, while the remaining 5% remained in the orbit of Luis Nofal, the eternal partner of Avila. Thus, the Group One (Daniel Vila, Alfredo Vila Santander and Jose Luis Manzano) and Grupo De Narváez are on an equal stake in the American Group. In turn, America TV, will be led by Daniel Vila, who will be responsible for the operation of American TV, America 24, Radio Network, Radio Millennium TV and Junin. Narvaez happens to have a major stake in companies that make America Media, the newspaper The Chronicle and magazines Trade Openness and Information Technology, which all belong.
De Narváez thus enters Zarova SA, which manages and Supercanal Holding Group One-the cable TV system of Group One, two Vila family. One group holds 60% of AISA, the owner of America TV, The Network, and Junín TV channel. SERGIO


is not structured as a group. Buenos Aires has the Economic Journal (from leaving the denomination 21/01/1907 Infobae that Szpolski bought 100% of Hadad in May 2007) Twenty Magazine (Sunday Magazine), Twenty Review International, La Gazeta del Cielo (free newspaper Pistarini Airport and Aeroparque Jorge Newbery), Newsweek Argentina (with News for America LLC and The International News Magazine, USA); Looks South (Sunday), Diagonal (Journal de La Plata), The Argentine, The Atlantic (Mar del Plata) Radios: Radio America, Aspen FM, AM 1030 Del Plata. (Acosta and Ferreyra with Szpolski) and Infofax Agency. Szpolski.

Other groups operating in Argentina are:


Composed 72.27% shares of HMT & F (group Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst Incorporated) a 23% share of Citicorp and Raul Moneta. Manages and Claxson Fox Sports Interactive Group (45% Cisneros Group, Hicks 35%, 20% founding shareholders of the Site, (8% listed on the NASDAQ). Produce Playboy TV, Private, For Men, Venus and Lifestyle TV. ESDC owns (internet content management). It DMX music programming, the cable systems DLA scans, (headquartered in Miami) and generate some Internet portals such as The;, etc. In January 2007 Tom Hicks bought the Agricultural Group Pilar (Province of Buenos Aires).


company is Marcelo Tinelli with Grupo Clarin (30%), generating the FM 103.1 Radio Spika (50% Daniel Grinbank, ex Radiouno) and Sinfo FM (formerly Radio Classical 93.5 FM), are the owners of Club Drean Bolivar volleyball and dancing magazine.


family is composed of churches that were viewed during the Menem to Diario La Prensa of Buenos Aires, La Capital de Mar del Plata (Multimedia The Capital), La Voz de Tandil, Cable Two The Capital, LU6 Atlantic Radio AM 760 and FM 93.3 MHz; to LU9 Radio Mar del Plata. Universe FM 103.3, AM 610 in Buenos Aires and Tandil AM 1560. Is a group that includes two hotels (Hermitage and Provincial) and the dairy producer, Dawn. GROUP


Kraiselburd Group publishes La Plata Popular Diaries, The Day (La Plata) and Journal Reporter The Plata. It has two radios, FM Diez and FM La Redonda. TV Cable owns Selective (La Plata, Fascetto 30%, 70% TCI) and there occurs a sports channel for La Plata and other News. Join the agency Noticias Argentinas.


De Argentina DIRECT owns and distributes TV signals to cable as Pramer SA. (American Sports,, Europa Europa, Films & Arts, Magic Kids, Plus Satellite, Rio de la Plata, Cosmopolitan TV, Reality TV, Channel A, Locomotion, Hallmark, Train, TV Telemúsica and Chile. Pramer Premium: Blue, Private Gold, Solo Tango and Fox Pan American Sports. Liberty Media Corporation became the largest shareholder of DirecTV globally, to complete a stock swap worth U.S. $ 13,600 million from Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, the former controlling shareholder of the satellite television operator. PROFILE

has a high participation in the upper middle class with newspaper Perfil, Caras magazine, Light and News, Fortune, Super Ocean, Week End, Windshield, Work, Lilly's horoscopes Sull, entertainment as the Joker and Crosswords; Mikilo comic route guide, etc.. So does Brazil, Chile, and Russia. Also on the Internet. Has a form box Institute where the science of communication with their ideology, makes books, has some joint venture, like American Idol where you create music events for teenagers, a Foundation, print shops and kiosk distribution (First magazines, Rolling Stone, etc.) ALBERTO


is the sole owner of Channel 26 cable TV signal and an open signal TV UHF Cable's call center operations with good distribution in La Matanza and south of the Federal Capital and Greater Buenos Aires. They have a radio, Cadena 101 FM, booths, Papelera Tucumán SA (four plants: 2 in Province of Buenos Aires and Tucumán), Two-Way Internet and portals.


From the mighty Argentina in Mexico published in Cosmopolitan, PC Magazine, Popular Mechanics, National Geographic (in English), all Disney, all Condorito, Marie Claire, Very Interesting, Ser Padres Today, etc. ATLANTIS

widely read magazines and long tradition as a Billiken, Para Ti, Chacra, People (the paradigm of bourgeoisie); Paparazzi (with Jorge Rial) Baby Baby linen; The Golden Book of the fabric; Floricienta (with Cris Morena) books Horangel horoscopes and Ludovica Squirru, For Teens, Chiquititas, The Book of the Rolling Stones & U2 Argentina. Manage Web sites and other sites of their magazines. In Group
Tournament and Skills since June 2008, Frederick Arnold and Luis Nofal Vierra have 50.1%.
33.2% is for DirecTV Latin America and the Merchant Banking controls 16.7%. Edit the graphic, Golf Digest Magazine, Polo 2005. They own
Encrypted Satellite Television SA. through Trisa (Telered Image SA). They own
TyCSports Signal and Max TyC and produce programs such as Football First, make content for Fox Sports. They spread to Uruguay and Uruguay Tournaments and Competitions. They Teledeporte SA (Transmission and merchandesing of clubs) and Entry Plus, Pro Entertaiment (87.2% Cs / Avila, 12.8% of Perez Companc Family Group) and manage image for five clubs like River Plate and Independiente. Transmissions traded football games live or delayed (50% Grupo Clarín, 50% Torneos y Competencias).
Frigor operate with Nestlé ice cream. With static advertising market AdTime 18 stadiums Argentines (50% Grupo Clarín, 50% Torneos y Competencias) and local control "crazy x football."


The company created by Ted Turner, Time-Warner Company has an affiliate, the Turner Broadcasting System Latin America, which puts the worldwide satellite signals CNN International, CNN English , Cartoon Network, Boomerang, TCM and TNT. In October 2007 it bought Satellite Image SA (Claxson) with its canals I. Sat, Space, Retro, Fashion TV, Infinito, HTV and MuchMusic. They cover the areas of youth, women, retirees.


most mighty in Venezuela. (The owner will say "The Gift" so I imagine the style). arrives in Argentina with 45% of the Horn Group Interactive, 45% of portal El Sitio, and part of the Playboy TV Signs, Private, For Men, Venus and Lifestyle TV. Cisneros Forbes magazine has a fortune of $ 4.6 billion, and controls more than 70 companies in 40 countries. Gustavo Cisneros serves on the board of the American Society U.S. Art. and is one of the leaders of the Global Business Dialogue, which manages a network of globalized business financial Lobby New York that operates on the White House. RAUL


is sole owner of Infomedia which publishes magazines like The Federal Rural Dynamics, Bacchanalia, riders, supplements like Infocampo (Insert in newspapers, financial sphere, the Capital of Rosario, Mendoza A, Entre Ríos and Santa Fe, Pergamino, Junín, Chivilcoy, July 9, Venado Tuerto, San Luis, Córdoba, Pilar and Lujan). Infocampo ago TV and Channel 9 programs in Buenos Aires The portal and Radio Belgrano.

composed Ariel
This Granica and Hugo Sigman who owns Elea Laboratories and through Chemo Group, bought part of Gas Natural Ban. Edit Le Monde Diplomatique (in English) books of Le Monde and "Keys for all and blue and white.

Buy 100% producer Four heads of Mario Pergolini and Diego Guebel and produce TV shows such as La Liga, CQC and E24, etc.


Broadcasting Center is directed by Carlos SA Maria Molina, radio control "own" (with header LV3 Radio Cordoba AM 70) in Central and South of the Province of Santa Fe, City of Buenos Aires, Mendoza, San Luis, Rio Cuarto, San Juan, Neuquén, Bariloche, Rio Gallegos, Ushuaia, Mina Clavero, Villa Dolores Villa Mercedes, Ciudad de Catamarca, La Rioja Capital, Villa Maria, Bell Ville , City of Santa Fe and the city of Rafaela.
They are Luis Scepter
Radio Rivadavia (Group One claimed participation between 10% and 40% in legal dispute. (Make the Journal the U (University) for free distribution, Hector Ricardo Garcia with Chronicle TV, newspaper Chronicle (in other hand already); Devicom and Filmsuez, Health Building (with the social work of the UOM) and Radio El Mundo, Carlos Avila and Luis Nofal with The Golf Channel (Direct TV) and Wall Street (public road to Buenos Aires next carapantallas Henry Albistur) and AeroVip, the editrial Garcia Ferre with his cartoons, associated with Amira to 50% Massot group closely linked to the process and the Navy although Massot family. Make New Journal Province and has the AM radio (Radio Bahia Blanca) and FMDos; Gastón Portal with his producer GP curious to show a partner like the BBC at 35% of its activity, the group that makes Playboy Argentina QSA, G- the gourmet, Fashion TV, the magazine Susana, etc. had already given up part of its stake to Weekly Publication of Colombia, is another foreign group advancing on Argentina, ranking as possible; Gloria Lopez's first wife Lecoube Chacho Alvarez with FM radios and AM Island Tide, Gaston Socolowicz with Target, which produces Polo & Polo players, Sport Business magazine and the International Agenda (ANB) controlled by his father Fernando Socolowicz virtual owner of Page 12; Gustavo Yankelevich and Victor Gonzalez handled equally RGB Productions and generate products such as Popstars, Ladder to Fame; Mambrú, Bandana; Telenovelas: Amor Mio, I opened your eyes and Floricienta (Associated with Cris Morena) also the FM Radio Disney.


Digital Drive with the European standard (DVB-TH-UHF). Antina, encoded subscription TV covers 40 cities of Buenos Aires province, in an area of \u200b\u200b70 km moving to other rural locations. It has 30 UHF channels for 5 multiplies each offering, for digital compression, 150 TV signals direct to home cordless and satellite, "air" but coded to bill the service as a cable channel. This system was distributed to TV frequencies open, free, people, usufruct for pay TV at the time of Menem.
As Clarín blocked the possibility of establishing other open TV channels in competition with its new multimedia power, the government distributed between several entrepreneurs coded. The business does not leave. With most developed technology in late 2006 and early 2007, Telcom Ventures will buy these cable companies "air" their authorized channels and brought their licenses to form a strong signal range to conduct business on another scale.
Telcom Ventures, a company that did business 12 years as Airlink, Buenos Aires trunking, Mc Caw and Nextel, led by Carlos Zabala, the executive who created Nextel Argentina, is a subsidiary of Telcom Ventures LLC of USA which is controlled by another American company, called Cherrywood Holdings, Inc. All end in the Singh family in Virginia USA LCC International Inc. also pioneers in the wireless industry is that we will have some sort of channel 13 from North America increased by 150 in the entire metropolitan area, Federal Capital and probably spread to other provinces. The purchase of the frequencies available from Telcom Ventures to its former owners was approved by July Barbarian in front of COMFER during the Kirchner government. It is a strategic acquisition designed to "plug" frequencies that were granted to Argentina to open and free TV and used for encrypted and pay TV.

Friday, September 11, 2009

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Decree-Law of the Dictatorship Act currently in force 22.285/1980

Proposed Draft Law Democracy Audiovisual Communication Services


services are regulated only open (radio and TV) and the oldest complementary systems, such as community antenna.

The regulation is so old that considers FM radios as "new technologies" .

The purpose of the initiative is to provide legal framework for all audiovisual communication services regardless of the support used for transmission.

Free access to new technologies will allow the establishment of guarantees intended to protect pluralism and diversity of all audiovisual productions.


is limited by the requirements of the National Security . Current law allows restrictions on Freedom of Expression based on this ground.

is guaranteed universal human right the right to information and freedom of expression it provides 13 of American Convention on Human Rights , which implies the right to receive and impart information and ideas and research.

Human Rights Treaties are a fundamental part of the spirit of this proposal.


The governing body Radio and TV are integrated by by military intelligence and business .

the governing body for Audiovisual Communication Services will be headed by a collegial body composed of representatives of the national legislature, second and third minority and representatives of the Executive .

Multisectoral Council will be established and wholly owned by representatives of universities, the non-profit associations, workers in the industry, etc.


not protect the Argentine labor or local production is encouraged .

ensure and protect the local work by Argentine shares cinema screen.

It will require 70% of national production on the radio and 60% on TV.


broadcasting could be exercised only as an activity for profit . The changes made during the decade of the horizontal concentration 90'facilitaron via the admission of multimedia and the emergence of holdings.

Only in 2005 Congress allowed legal persons nonprofit be licensed broadcasters, but with some restrictions.

be allowed access to non-profit entities.

be reserved to non-derogable, 33% of the spectrum for legal persons nonprofit such as associations, foundations, mutual funds, etc.

monopolies and oligopolies

are supported monopolies and oligopolies media.

The State has a subsidiary , since it can only provide service in areas not profitable for private.

be prevented the formation of monopolies and oligopolies .

be promoted pluralism spectrum and Audiovisual Communication Services.

The Federal Government, the Provinces, the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, and the municipalities have allocated frequencies .


not encouraged the production of educational and children's

production will be encouraged and children's educational content .

will be established Audiovisual Advisory Council and Children to ensure compliance with these objectives.


limits are established quality disseminate information, which must be accurate, objective and timely manner.

These limits have been used to restrict freedom of expression .

be promoted polyphony of information and opinions in accordance with the provisions of the Covenants on Human Rights.


Solo is expected to subsidiary status.

Universities must be licensed for commercial TV.


provided to ATC as a business.

universities will be allowed unrestricted stations have no obligation to be commercial enterprises. Will propose a state media system with democratic goals, and involving community and social control .


is not expected to attend the National Congress , since it is a law of the dictatorship, why is a centralist and undemocratic law.

participation will be given to the National Congress, and intervention is mandatory in the formation of the Authority, the election of officers of the Public Media and Public Defender's choice .

participation will be given and representation to the second and third parliamentary minority.


control There is no provision by Congress of the Nation.

Control of Congress of the Nation strategy intended to evaluate the performance of the Authority, public media and performance of the Public Defender.

This creates the Bicameral Commission Monitoring and Promotion of the Audiovisual Communication Services.


are not foreseen.

mechanism is expected Public Hearings to determine extensions of Licensing and use decisions to be given to new technologies, for example, the fate of digital dividend.


allows a single person is in possession of 24 licenses for open services (radio and TV).

Only 10 licenses will be open services.


TV systems pays no limitations regarding licenses that may have a single person, provided they are not in the same area of \u200b\u200bcoverage. This facilitates the formation of monopolies.

pay TV licenses are limited in number and market shares.


is subject to limits as Christian morality.

time advertising on pay TV services is not regulated.

advertising is not subject to subjective limits, but must conform to objective criteria established by law.

, regulating the advertising time on pay TV systems.


is not expected.

be implemented quasi-fiscal measures to discourage advertising investment outside the country, as do other countries, including Canada. Thus not be allowed to deduct from the income tax on investments in foreign advertising


licenses last 15 years and may be extended for 10 years.

The licenses will last 10 years and may be extended by 10 more years after public hearings.


is not envisaged that the media must provide the public with relevant information.

media will be required to maintain a public access folder which contained all the relevant information of the licensee, as ordered by the FCC of the United Together.


pay TV signals are not regulated subjects , so do not meet Argentine law as child protection or taxed in the country.

Breaches of the signs are the responsibility of the distribution and not on who produces or sells.

signals are regulated by TV.

is expected that responsibilities are assumed by the content owners and not those only provide access facilities.

From the point of view of technological advances is justified by the emergence of new actors in the value chain.


personal qualifications are required based on possession of wealth preference and economic aspects.

To hold a license eligibility criteria are weighted and rooted in the activity.

be excluded from the possibility to hold a senior officials who have been de facto government, considering the importance of media in building the rule of law and democratic life.


This law enables using corporations, hiding the true ownership of the licenses.

scheme will be promoted transparency property ownership licenses.


Intended to obsolescence by design, this law was born "old."

The technological advances of the past three decades indicate the anachronistic law currently in force.

New technologies are considered an essential tool to ensure plurality and diversity of voices .

be promoted universal access to narrow the digital divide and promote technological literacy.

related services are expected to audiovisual media in a flexible, and technologically neutral .

For the first ever sponsored by the redistribution of knowledge via the use of new technologies.


allows joint ownership of TV licenses and producers of content signals. This favors the creation of monopolies and abuses of dominant position on the matter and affects the cost of subscription TV service and the right to information.

Will be taken to the devolved monopoly exploitation rights display as they exist in the United States, Canada and the European Union. Joint ownership will be restricted license and companies producing TV content signals.


nonexistent regulation.

both will promote institutional participation of the provinces and the local content protection and regional designed to support local production.

This involves genuine work with all members of the value chain of audiovisual production.

Penalty system

It is delegated to the Executive.

contemplates that the media should report to the actors and journalists that threaten national security.

shall be regulated under the provisions of the International Human Rights Treaties.

public interest content

encoding is permitted of televised sports, preventing open access to most of the population.

This project provides for football matches may be relevant for network TV.


are not provided.

be promoted regularization community media, which have been excluded for decades.


not promoted.

will promote the establishment of creative clusters and content just as has been done in several countries including the United States, Australia, India, Canada and Spain.


is not foreseen.

are envisaged progressive measures to enable disabled people access programming , for example the system "closed caption " (insertion of legend on understanding the context and the dialogues for the deaf and hard of hearing.).


Their participation was banned until 2005. Can now participate in a restricted manner.

an open regime will be established for participation in cooperatives. Also implement measures to prevent abuses of dominant position.


22,285 The original law required companies to sole and exclusive purpose for broadcasting.

In the 90 admitted the existence of business holdings and was limited to utility companies by the criteria of natural monopoly in the area and sector.

As technological advances allow us to consider the obsolescence of natural monopoly, they may participate in audiovisual communication taking special precautions. is conditional on ensuring that more than 50% of the market available to another provider can participate.

monopolization rules are fixed in their respective business areas, effectively, for the entry of new players that will contribute to the proliferation of offerings.


is not expected.

fee shall be established a National Cinema Display, as have countries like France or Brazil.


not established a system of prices paid services.

be established Social Tariff.