Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Oakley Original Blades

perpetrated the fraud. Social and economic analysis.

De alfon1, a Real Estate Bubble forero , their collection simply spectacular:
As perpetrated the fraud. Social and economic analysis (first part)

Excuse ...

Spain. Andalusian ready, sausages and scoundrels. Freehand worthy of being in the worst economic, social work and in Europe. The league champions of thought silly, simple, memo, meek. Reason of having my balls. The open bar to corrupt businessmen, and paradise of black money and gangs from all over Europe. The league champions of unemployment and job losses worldwide, the lack of transparency, corrupt urbanism, justice collapsed ... but we do not care. This does not protest or god. Why.

1) As the fraud was perpetrated:

The free market does not exist. Liberalism is not something that goes from the hetéreo. The market is regulated and provided by the political actors involved. If the market is not regulated by the state because one party is liberal, there are still market intervention by other mechanisms:

- The dominant position of big business lobbies.

are able to alter the market for its position in the media or directly to political pressure. For example, threats of relocation, if not regulate it benefits me, I go to another site with my company.

- Intervention cyclical.

The government regulates the market camouflaged social situations, or macroeconomic. For example, taking control of migration flows, or bilateral relations with other countries.

What has happened in Spain to have passed from the Champions League, to speculate on the technical bankruptcy in less than a year?

a) Sudden increase in demand: short-term intervention.

Between 1998 and 2007 went from 637,085 to 4,482,568 immigrants. Through mass media, it was maliciously believe this country deeply immature, but shouted that this was a matter of humanism, modern as we are in Spain. How we benefit. How sanearía our social security and bring us prosperity. Seeing is believing. Large companies and banks in television ads bombarding beautiful integration of immigrants. But good people are the bankers and executives of large companies in this country! What love they have for the disadvantaged! Scoundrels.

The reality, stubborn, stubborn as her own, is that we have brought as a necessary element to carry the real estate scam. Sudden increase in demand, sudden price increases thus of housing. And by the way, keep the salaries of English on the floor face of rising competition in the job. The funny thing is that Aznar, with the data in hand, many or most immigrants brought the PSOE. To keep you believing in ideological propaganda.

b) Tax relief, new money and lowering interest rates. Consume!

A nice new currency that will allow a good scam that harms people with less purchasing power and encourage the Scams and cost of living. Rounding was a real scam and sassy. So I'm glad you bastards as restaurateurs in this country go to hell and can not get 2 euros or local.

On the other hand, the tax on purchases and no help for rent, which meant that Spain has with Ireland, the highest rate of home ownership in Europe with rates of 80-85%.

c) Intervene justice. Destroy the separation of powers .

Living in a banana republic and the people call that democracy is not. Do not apply justice to the rich. That lie is free, for politicians and big business. The laws are only to deter the poor from the rich. Telefónica can accumulate hundreds of thousands of consumer complaints, which at the farm of Uncle Paco, landowners are untouchable. Third banana monarchy.

Article 284 of the penal code. Art

284 [Alteration prices]

shall be imposed the penalty of imprisonment of six months to two years or a fine of 12 to 24 months, which, spreading false news, using violence, threat or deception, or using insider information I will try to alter the prices that would result from free competition of products, commodities, securities, values, services, or any other movable or immovable property to be procured, without prejudice to the penalty that may apply to other crimes.

Look what he said the association of promoters with Chicote the front.

the 1.6 million households "have been completed in recent years in Spain are pr acetic all sold." Thus, to step out of the voices that indicate the existence in Spain of a million unsold finished homes.
Specifically, since PACE emphasizes that buyers can rest easy, because home prices did not fall and, therefore, keep assets revaluation prospects. In this way, come to pass now confirmed recent reports fall in prices in cities such as Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia, especially in the resale segment.

"The buyer should not be afraid, the housing prices will not fall, in fact we have to remember that even in times of severe economic crisis of the early nineties, when population growth was acetic pr null, when destroyed employment, the unemployment rate exceeded 20%, and when interest rates were above the double digits, not lower prices ", argues the president of PACE. Thus, reveal the impact of" the myth of the housing bubble, corruption and all these alarmist news "
The promoters claim that homes built in the last three years and are sold

What says the government, Zapatero Solbes to mind? Is not that, insiders, attempting to alter the prices that should result from free competition of furniture products or buildings? Is not that lying? Are not bank bailouts alter the free market price?

And there are still people who speak of democracy, separation of powers, freedom of the market ... and justice.

2) The estate of 4 scoundrels. English neo-feudal regime:

In the Middle Ages, lords, nobility, the landlords did not pay taxes. In the XXI century, the English democracy, engineering, accounting allows the scam medieval continue. We

66% of cash in circulation in Spain in 500 notes . 500 notes and coins bearing the 5 hard to hear. Nearly 27% of all tickets in Europe. 209,680 million euros, according to data released by the Bank of Spain and the European Central Bank.

tickets 500 euros, that is, black money, but not a poor worker to have contracted so because he has nothing but money to children of the very great whore who is cheating have lined the lower classes ( young people and immigrants) have not had the slightest decency to declare to pay for health or education. Of course, protected by politicians bastards who have allowed, and moreover, encouraged and supported this fraud.

3) The failure of "welfare state"

The mass media, we have been brainwashed by the mantra of "welfare state." Let's see if the data really justify recent years of "prosperity" have been such.

Effort families:

In ten years, household debt has tripled. We all know that often our parents or grandparents living with a single wage. With the minimum, but lived. House, TV and car. Now often have no home, car or television and salaries and 4 with 2 careers, 2 master and 4 languages.

debt in 1986 represented a 34% of disposable income in 1997 was 52%, when the best president in the history of democracy left him at 105% in 2005. Sure, there was a liquidity tube, because we have been mortgaged to those of us behind the rest of our lives. That's what has been called "prosperity."

of private debt stood at 832.289 million euros at the end of 2006. So debt equals only families and the entire GDP. And that's not counting the enterprise debt to banks, English banks and financial institutions in Europe.

So by now started talking about the 65-hour work day and work until age 75. And I can only follow cagándome fucking in the Democrats these shoddy, the pps psoes and the balls.

"They live better"

A recurring phrase of the people of a certain age. The funny thing is that this perception that we live better, do not blame the technology. Such is the brainwashing of the major mass media, medical advances and engineering and technology that result in our comfort, blamed on the political benefits of democracy. With 2 balls. Bankruptcy

social security:

Hear, besides the grand calculation Juancarlosb methodological , the population situation: unemployment, the fall in social security contributions, population pyramid and the progressive aging . Result: the utter bankruptcy of social security.


Creation supported by the main opposition party of a new accounting engineering:

-Remove the housing in the CPI. Alarmingly inflationary (and sudden deflation) and people should not be taken into account. Remove

-every living creature in unemployment statistics. The ARE of less than 120 days do not count as unemployed. The unemployed (700,000) that arrest charge but having Inem courses will not count as unemployed. So convince 20 million voters that there is less unemployment than 10 years ago, but in reality is a lie.

-more makeup yet: Labour has ceased publishing the coverage rate of unemployment in the midst of escalating unemployment

The lie of wages in Spain: Spain

: average salary of about 2300 euros gross per Spain month (27,902 per year). How? Not charge you that? No way ... if you say the newspapers and the news! Let's see, we see the difference between the average wage, the medium and the most common:

Live in a city 100. 49 work for 40 euros, 1 for 60 euros, 48 \u200b\u200beuros for 70 work there also live Florentino Perez to win trillion.

Average salary = 950,000 euros.

median = 60 euros. Salary

most common = 40 euros.

Despite being a highly cohesive population, where wages vary only just 60% to 99% of the population, the average wage is far from social reality for 99% of the population.

now understand that the media always talk about the average wage and the ever more frequent medium or in a country where the rich have become infinitely richer and the poor and middle class, poor, slaves of credit and debt

Crime, justice and collapse.

According to INE data, in just 15 years between 1990 and 2006, the prison population has doubled from 33,058 to 64,021. Result, justice collapsed with methodology stone age, crime and prisons shot to overflowing, doubling the cost estimated between 12,000 and 18,000 euros per prisoner per year.


We are the league champions of school failure. Infamous educational systems. Having no English university among the top 200 in the world. Hard not to invest in education. In the stupidities of judges and judges. In passing with 4 suspended. Where everyone is equal, to work or not. Congratulations. You got it. The most gross of Europe.

researchers per 1000 workers, the champions league.

OECD Report, Spain at the tail of all : reading, science ... And do not worry, already had to leave Zapatero to blame Franco. Not that we are less which invest in education across Europe . No. The fault lies with Franco. So in 2006 we are worse than in 2003 and going downhill. By Franco. Already know.


Collapse is an understatement. Waiting lists are short. The great English health-anyone who works there knows this, has been deteriorating year after year. In Europe and put us in position 18 of 31 . Thank you all. Chaves hopes and balls. Shoemakers Aznares G8 and the champions league.

As perpetrated the fraud. Social and economic analysis (Part II)

4) Do not think investiguéis not, do not esforcéis I have a pitch for you.

That message has been poisoned by the donkeys who have ruled over the last 10 or 15 years to the business. A message spray our industry. To raze and turn into nothing.

To what fund to invest in talent and enhance university research. What to invest in medical research in renewable energy and pharmacology ... if you buy 4 houses empty black bags you a 20% annual capital appreciation? Invest 1 million euros in the building and I bring you 40 Ecuadorian unwary who put them the pufo. But we do not care, we are so idiot that we have dug our own grave. We are the country 140 in facilities to start a business according to the World Bank . We are the league champions of the Third World.

a) Economy vs. speculative economy productive.

In a productive economy environment we all win. You produce bread, I tomatoes, so the two can eat bread and tomatoes. In speculative economy, if I win, because I have power shortage of good, or market intervention (either by the State or by a privileged position in the company) you lose. Is so long. But when bleeding is when governments and businesses agree to defraud the public with an essential good.

We have witnessed the most degrading redistribution of national wealth, where the Cayenne black the developer pays the Bolivian or unhappy young heuristic 800 that accumulates their titles of physics at the wall while working for 40 years to pay reponedor a hideout of 40m2 in the ass of Castilla la Mancha.

Americans live in homes at least, not in galleys of 40 meters, and if the shit, get the keys to the bank and elsewhere to seek work and live on rent. But this fucking country sausage and scoundrels in a suit and tie, that mob loan sharks have an open bar to garnish your paycheck, sell your floor, your guarantors and let everyone that crosses through the middle in the fucking street .

And on top of a cuckold, Beaten, in my country, Spain, socialist, progressive and "left" according to my countrymen, we have to pay their debts that have played poker in their scams continued.

call Democracy.

b) The pitch of the housing and empty homes in Spain.

In 2005 the government recognized 3.3 million empty homes. Well in excess of 5 in these times peacefully, if we remove the makeup and take into account the years 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. They have played poker all our money and one card. They could have invested in producing or researching. Or at least diversify. But no, in Spain in housing, tourism, and assemble cars ... ended. Game over. The cagamos.

5) The propaganda machine:

"The mass media must constantly repeat the following phrases:

-welfare state

-Integration-Democracy if you're the PSOE.
-Freedom if you are the PP.
-Together. -Among

-All thought the scam against the Company or the welfare state must be crossed preferably:

-Alarm-xenophobic, homophobic


"Do not talk anymore in the media about the number of inmates in prisons, much less of their nationality. Apply tags: racist, xenophobic and alarmist.

6) The dealer always wins. Welcome to the biggest scam against the people of history.

The house always wins. Especially since we pay their debts and they still benefit! have more benefit in February 2009 than the same period in 2008 . How is that possible? Financial Engineering and a government of "left" hamijos.

this scam not only end up with any hint of everything that is based for legislate and bray their cheap talk, that if democracy, if the free market, if the non-intervention in housing policy, blah blah blah. Debt

estate to banking = 470,000 million euros. That is, only half the GDP of household debt. Debt join families and businesses and understand that we will take the ass. And as you know, mortgage payment recovered by a bank fee immediately transferred out of Spain, because our banks have a huge debt out.

the past 17 years, pr are granted by banks to developers has been multiplied by 31, from 10,199 million in 1992 to 318,032 in 2008 according to historical statistics of the Bank of Spain.

Adding the pr are the construction sector (151,911,000), the debt of the brick industry as a whole rises to a

469 943 000 9% delinquency entail an expenditure of 6% of GDP for the oximes pr budgets.

also owe it to the Frankfurt market financing our housing bubble and the debt is estimated at 365,000 million which would add their respective interests.

Vergés In words:

"I will not enter into the subject why this is true in Spain and not in other countries. Let's just say that both the land market as the building in Europe, the USA and Canada, are self or micropromoción, which restrains both the monopolization of land, the use of money market ticket vending machine, formation of oligopolies, the control information and the plethora tax ... (!). Let us conclude this introduction by saying that our peculiar mode of production, which began back in mid 80's and has since welcomed as a new model of development both within and outside Spain, has produced disastrous results. For example. The house that comes out ends up costing € 100,000 over 400,000 users. And the vortex of the bubble has taken us years from 300,000 to 600,000 homes to the euro and then to 800,000 (900,000 in the ETC ....) Mortgage payments generated in twelve years to reach the 2.75 billion euros, of which we have returned just 0.88 (those below the black line) and fall back 1.87 billion including interest, to be more because and late payment increases and the use of refinancing is running out "

7) Our joy of life.

Our profound stupidity. In Greece charge more, have less unemployment and has already put the chicken in France, needless to say, and here ... in my country, dumb, illiterate ... Enjoying that cheated us more than anyone. Congratulations to all, stupid conformists. Country asshole. __________________

__________________ Visit:

burbuja.info Report January 2009 Report

February 2009
burbuja.info Report March



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