Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Whitish Discharge At 39 Weeks

The last of Chernobyl Chernobyl today

From heroes to victims

While rivers of ink run on the Chernobyl nuclear accident that occurred on April 26, 1986 shortly referring to those adventurous characters who risked his life when machines could do little or nothing and those who only bring the memory of the cemetery monuments such as the Moscow Mitino. Eric N.

Pozdysheva, Valery Alekseevich Legasov, Evgeny Akimov are just some of the approximately 600,000 heroes who risked their lives to save millions of people in that disastrous night.

The liquidators, as they are called, were people of different nationalities aged between 20 and 45, among whom were firefighters, soldiers, engineers, artisans and farmers among others, equipped with safety suits consisting of meshes lead and a pig nose mask, which produced terrible sores on her face and today seem to me ridiculous because he really knows little or nothing served to protect them. They were the ones who had to enter, some by desire to serve others by promises of economic rewards, after he initially tried to clear the damage to the reactor with robots but radiation and extreme temperatures reached 2,500 ° C eventually merge their circuits.

While cities like Pripyat were evacuated 36 hours after the explosion succeeded, largely due to pressure from Sweden who first spotted the accident on 28 and threatened to sue internationally, these brave "or ignorant? (More the latter according to the following statement "In Ukraine, at that time of year and quite hot, so we went to put out the fire in his shirt sleeves," said Victor Birkun, firefighter who was resting in a hut at 150 meters plant when the accident occurred) The mission consisted to prevent another explosion happened and returned into the reactor graphite rods and fuel residues that were left over what remained of the roof. Entering

shifts of 2 minutes should remove two shovels of dirt or throw in at least two bars and go out again, others were swimming in contaminated waste to remove contaminants or other factors, another group was flying overhead in helicopters disaster area to throw on the core material mixture consisting of sand, clay, lead, dolomite, boron neutron absorber, managers were finally filled with concrete tunnel was initially hold function a cooling system and ultimately served to strengthen the ground and prevent the heart from sinking, in turn were responsible for the construction of the sarcophagus that was to cover the ground again (which in 2004 had serious damage and that it represented a new danger. From September 2007, construction began on a new one with the collaboration of several countries).

However, this was short enough so they were directly exposed to radiation equivalent to the explosion of 500 atomic bombs of Hiroshima, where many died almost immediately while many others suffered all kinds of conditions that resulted inevitably in disabilities of various kinds, so great were the radiation emitted by the reactor to complete the work these people were forced to dig trenches to bury the vehicles and helicopters used in the process, creating the Chernobyl cemetery ... the "other victims of reactor 4. "

Today those who are still alive and their number is unclear, because although the government only recognizes the deaths of approximately 25,000, the organizations that talk group significantly higher than equivalent to a survival of about 50% of them , the reward for acts of courage are a life of intense suffering which the majority are still waiting for the promised payment to achieve at least afford the medical expenses for treatment of the consequences of their actions, they do not even have access to a health system following the dissolution of the USSR, leaving them dispersed by several countries.

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(Info + Pictures)

the night of April 26, 1986 was involved in the biggest nuclear disaster in history, during a test, in which is simulating a power outage, a power surge in reactor 4 of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant was the overheating of the core nuclear reactor, which ultimately led to accumulated hydrogen explosion inside, generating a cloud of radiation that spread across Europe.

The amount of radioactive material released was nearly 200 tonnes, some 500 times greater than that released by the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, directly caused the deaths of 31 people, forced the government of the Soviet Union to the evacuation of about 135,000 people and caused international alarm by detecting radioactivity in various countries of northern and central Europe.

After the disaster, an area of \u200b\u200b4 square miles of pine trees in the vicinity of the reactor acquired a golden brown and died, acquiring the name "Red Forest". Some animals in the hardest hit areas also died or stopped reproducing. Mouse embryos simply dissolved, while a herd of horses stranded in an island 6 km from the nuclear power was extinguished when their thyroid glands disintegrated.
In September 2005 the UN issued a report verifying the death of 4,000 people between Ukraine, Belarus and Russia caused by the disaster. Other reports are between 30,000 and 70,000 people died. Greenpeace says the real number of victims throughout Europe amounts to 200,000.

radiation reached as far afield the core of the explosion, like Austria, Switzerland and France, and even today, doctors are diagnosing a number much higher than usual, people with cancer diseases and, especially thyroid cancer.

Over time, the sarcophagus built around the reactor 4 just after the accident has been degraded by the effect of radiation, heat and corrosion caused by the materials, to the extent there is a serious risk collapse of the structure, which could have dramatic consequences for the population and the environment.
The cost of building a permanent protection to reduce the risk pollution in compliance with all safety standards containment was estimated in 1998 at 768 million euros. Ukraine, unable to obtain such financing in the short time available, requested international assistance. Several international conferences have since met the necessary funds, even though the budget has increased significantly because of inflation.

In 2004, donors had deposited more than 700 million for construction (in total at that time had donated about 1000 million euros for projects recuperación36), and since 2005 they carried out work to replace the sarcophagus, which was scheduled completion early 2008.

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Some social economic achievements of the Soviet Union

"In the fifty years between 1913 (the peak of pre-war production) to 1963, despite two world wars, foreign intervention and civil war between other calamities, the total industrial production grew more than 52 times. The corresponding figure for the U.S. was less than six times, while Britain barely doubled its production. In other words, in a few decades, thanks to the planned economy, the Soviet Union was transformed from a backward agricultural economy in the second most important power in the world, with a powerful industrial base, highly educated and more scientific that the U.S. and Japan combined

"The strides ahead of Soviet industry in the 30's coincided with the great crisis and depression in the capitalist world, accompanied by massive unemployment and chronic poverty . Between 1929 and 1933 American industrial production fell by 48.7%. The American League National Research estimated the number of unemployed in March 1933 at 17.92 million. In Germany there were more than six. These comparisons alone graphically show the superiority of the planned economy on the anarchy of capitalist production

-In a population that grew by 15 percent the number of technicians was multiplied by 55

-The number of full-time student for six

-hospital beds almost tenfold, children attending day care centers by 1,385

-The number of doctors per 100,000 inhabitants was 205, compared with 170 in Italy and Austria, 150 U.S., 144 in West Germany, 110 in Britain, France and the Netherlands and 101 in Sweden

-Life expectancy has doubled, and infant mortality was reduced to a

ninth-In 1972, the number of doctors had increased from 135,000 to 484,000 and the number of hospital beds from 791,000 to 2,224,000.

"In the postwar period, no Marshall Plan aid, the USSR made huge progress on all fronts. Thanks to the nationalized economy and planning, the Soviet Union quickly rebuilt its shattered industries, with growth rates of over 10%. Along with the U.S., the USSR emerged from the war as a world superpower. "The history of the world does not know anything," says Alec Nove.

-Back in 1953, the USSR had built a stock of 1.3 million machine tools of all types, double the number it had before the war. Between 1945 and 1960, increased steel production of 12.25 to 65 million tonnes of oil, from 19.4 to 148, and the coal, from 149.3 to 513. Between 1945 and 1964, the Soviet national income grew by 570%, compared to 55% in U.S.

Let us not forget that the U.S. emerged from the war with all its industries intact and two thirds of the world's gold in their vaults. In fact, had benefited greatly from the war effort, and as a result were able to impose their domination throughout the capitalist world.

-The Massachusetts Cambridge Engineering Research Association described the Soviet natural gas industry, which has doubled production in less than ten years, as a "spectacular success story" (Financial Times, 01/11/1985).

-In the USSR, one in three workers were skilled, and a large proportion of children of workers had access to college. The total number of students in technical education and higher quadrupled between 1940 and 1964. In 1970 there were 4.6 million students, 257,000 engineers. In comparison, the U.S. had 50,000 graduates in this field (see, all a "case" the development of the USSR, right?)

-rents were fixed at around 6% of revenue last month and increased in 1928. A small flat in Moscow, until recently (these data are from an article written over 15 years) cost about 2,000 pesetas. per month, including gas, electricity, telephone and hot water. A kilo of bread cost about £ 40. and, like sugar and most food products, price increases seen in 1955.

-Prices of meat and dairy were last increased in 1962

"The Financial Times (2/18/1986) wrote that" the development of wasteland and a dreadful climate Siberia in the last 15 years is an engineering feat that even in scale and difficulty of building the Panama Canal. "

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Has Anyone Had Fybriods

Cameraman BP records what hidden: All kinds of animals dying

Strict security measures set by British Petroleum have not prevented John L. Wathen video and photo capture dozens of dolphins and even whales in the oil, some dying. On a recent flight over the Gulf of Mexico, the camera captured much of what you need to see about the disaster in deep water.

In Youtube, Wathen wrote:
This is the most emotionally disturbing video I made!
flight is on the oil spill of British Petroleum, where I have seen at least 100 dolphins swimming on oil, some dying. He also photographed a whale covered with black oil everywhere. Who will answer for these gentle creatures?

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Treasures of Cuba in the Memory of the World

important documentary of Cuba joined the Memory of the World, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

The collection of José Martí that holds about two thousand documents related to his life and work, and ICAIC Newscasts Latin American cinema's most comprehensive collection events in Cuba and the rest of the region between 1959 and 1990, comprise the legacy.

collections also include the documentary Life and Work of Ernesto Che Guevara and canoe the Amazon to the Caribbean, epic made in 1987 to reprise the discovery of this geographical area by prehistoric tribes of the Amazon basin. Rounding

funds the Historical Archives of the Surveyor Cuban Govín Serafin Sanchez, and the collection of documents on personalities and events at the Hotel Nacional de Cuba, also a National Monument, which this year celebrates its 80 anniversary.

In the act of delivery of certificates evidencing, held at the iconic tourist facility, Juan Antonio Fernandez, president of the Cuban National Commission of UNESCO, stressed the importance of this valuable legacy, heritage of the nation.

The ceremony was attended by well known personalities as Alfredo Guevara, president of the Festival del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, Miguel Barnet, president of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba, Ana Sanchez, director of the Marti Studies Center, and other guests .

The World Programme of UNESCO was established in 1992 with the aim of preserving all the works and collections world's documentary heritage, with exceptional value.

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The samples were used for the Universal

The analysis of the seized clothing to foster children of the owner of Clarín were contaminated. The judge quoted Arroyo Salgado geneticists to determine what may have happened. You have to decide whether to order new raids. By Raul Kollmann and Irina Hauser.

Judge Sandra Arroyo Salgado called to testify to all geneticists who participated in the work to determine the DNA Noble Felipe and Marcela Herrera. The aim will be to clarify the reasons why could not establish the genetic profile of the adopted children of the owner of the newspaper Clarín. Obviously, there are two hypotheses. The first is that, disability or circumstances of these studies, the samples were contaminated and could not do the study. The second hypothesis is that young people knew they were going to seize the clothing, even on the same court, so the clothes were contaminated above.

It appears that the judge, who acted in three cases, you should find a way to get new samples to establish the genetic profile of the adopted children of Ernestina Herrera de Noble. The only thing that is clear is that throughout the Search history grandchildren never saw a case with such an amount of delay, irregularities, twists and turns. Obviously, all could be avoided if Felipe and Marcela accept blood-delivering the most secure method, and admitted it was determined once and for all whether or not children of the disappeared.

past week, between the official experts and the amazing part is circulating version was not able to establish the DNA of Felipe and Marcela as compared with samples that are in the National Genetic Data Bank (BNDG) . The rumors indicate that the pieces that you were kidnapped Marcela genetic profiles of three people something quite unusual. In the case of Philip, have two different profiles in the clothes he was wearing the day that the members of the Forensic Department and BNDG specialists participated in the raid at the home of her adoptive mother. According to geneticists

consulted by this newspaper, to obtain uncontaminated samples is difficult. Happened to cases in which abducted toothbrushes and combs. Grandchildren supposedly appropriate in these cases are opposed to the delivery of genetic material, they tend to say what your toothbrush or a comb, so we had to repeat the procedure several times. It is also said that contamination of clothing is not unusual because the friction, contact with other people, can damage the sample.

In Noble Herrera facts stand out. The children of the owner of Clarín Arroyo attended the court Salgado to respond to the judge whether they were willing to give blood for analysis. Both answered no. And when he later complained about the interception of vehicles and came minutes after the raid at the home of Ernestine, exhibited a strange argument: "They could have asked for the clothes in court, instead of intercepting cars and raided the home of our mother. " Indeed, Arroyo Salgado had resorted to the less traumatic method to obtain clothes in the house of the brothers, allowing them to the take out in your own bathroom. The sentence on the sampling in court suggests that, obviously, were prepared for that. And there appears the hypothesis that the clothes they were wearing was previously contaminated as other grandchildren-indeed, very few cases-handed toothbrushes and combs that were not them. What is clear is that at the time of the raid on the house of Ernestina, when the kidnapping of the clothes, Felipe and Marcela wore the same clothes in court and some of the items seized was underwear. This was declared one of the professionals participating in the procedure. Pollution underwear, two and three genetic profiles, is amazing.

now remains for the judge Arroyo Salgado establish what happened, why it failed to determine the genetic profile of Marcela and Felipe. To do this, called to testify to all the specialists who participated in the work. But of course, the judge faces a much more difficult: getting the samples that allow a comparison with families searching for their grandchildren appropriate. Nobody knows if Arroyo Salgado order new raids, procedures or any other move. Moreover, there are some who claims he can return to Felipe and Marcela cite to convince them that the most effective and would clarify the case is to agree to deliver the blood sample. A priori, it seems impossible.

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Monday, June 28, 2010

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for Child, more 150 thousand children were added to schools in the province

Education Minister, Alberto Sileoni, reported that between 150 and 170 000 children joined the school after enactment of the Universal and Son. The official said that "positive impact" on the education system to the policies implemented by the Executive.

Speaking to Radio Continental, Sileoni said "we have a very large number of boys who have joined by the Universal and Son. "

" positive impact in schools, "he said and noted that in the province between 150 and 170 000 more children in the educational system of the Province of Buenos Aires and made it into national almost 300 000 young people.

The education portfolio holder acknowledged that "there are many guys who are out of school" and said that since the government "are making efforts to return."

"The Universal and Son is a measure of help and have to keep thinking about other steps that open doors without thereby lower the quality of education is, "he said.

He emphasized the adoption last week by the Federal Council of a rule that allows young people entered in the mid-year school.

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marks 10 years of the boy return to Cuba that sparked a fierce dispute between the island and the U.S.

"Child rafter" Elian Gonzalez was seven years old when he came to America in a precarious boat, that killed his mother. His father began to claim from Cuba but his relatives in Miami refused to return. Ten years later, studied at a military school in Havana and a militant of the communist youth.

"The child yesterday is today a more Cuban. Live a happy life like any other teenager at age 16, along with his brothers and his real family, "wrote the newspaper Juventud Rebelde," the English newspaper El Mundo.

"A decade after being the plaything of enemies of the Revolution, we see him wearing his olive green uniform as a student of Camilo Cienfuegos military school, which prepares and future officers of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, "added the newspaper of the Union of Young Communists (UJC) of Cuba.

a decade ago, Elian Gonzalez starred in a dispute over global media coverage following their arrival in the United States in a precarious journey in a boat that killed his mother, and the claim of his father in Cuba was returned to her custody.

Elian's relatives in Miami, who had been granted in the first instance custody, were reluctant to return to his father, prompting U.S. agents to take out the child for the strength of the house that was . Finally, the small return to the island on 28 June 2000.

The last time the Cuban media broadcast images of Elian was on April 3, when he participated as a delegate to the Congress of the UJC held in Havana. Television showed him military uniform during a brief speech in which he called for strengthening vocational training and guidance in the military.

"must play an important role because the militant must develop a political-ideological work, developing an awareness in the young, the need to defend the revolution, defense of the homeland, the need to train as an officer "he said then.

According to the official news agency AIN, Elian Gonzalez today "enjoy the music, is partying, but not very good dancer, spends hours on the computer or doing" irons "(weights) with friends", while "Dress Like fashionable, but not do enough for the marks and the cell "and" do not smoke, nor take, nor does tattoos. "

The agency also ensures that the teen is" smart, enterprising, sensitive, dreamy, bold "and as a "natural leader", although "his strength is not oratory.

Elian joined the Communist youth on June 15, 2008. Until she became ill in July 2006, the revolutionary leader Fidel Castro attended all his birthday every Dec. 6. The anniversary of his return is celebrated every year with rallies in his hometown, Cardenas.

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Denali Engin For Sale

President Chávez: Syrian Community is committed to

The Syrian community in the country is deeply committed to the revolutionary struggle and is the protagonist of the Bolivarian Revolution, said Sunday the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez Frías.

During a meeting with his counterpart from the Syrian Arab Republic, Bashar Al Assad, and the brothers of that nation residing in the country, said that only unity among the peoples great country will be achieved.

"Long live Syria! We had a wonderful time with your family with all the Syrian community. I am the son of Syria, as you all please feel children of Venezuela. Cuban national hero José Martí was the one who said: Homeland is Humanity "he said.

Syrian President Bashar Al Assad is the flag bearer of Arab nationalism, he said.

"We need to unite the Arab peoples. Bashar has contributed to this approach. We have common enemies, the genocidal state of Israel and the U.S. empire. We have the same goals, lead a socialist revolution, "he said.

The president considered highly strategic this visit and the signing of the agreements, "to strengthen the integration of our peoples."

"Capitalism is the enemy large villages. Only under socialism will be free. We must work hard to consolidate the New World, the world pluriplural and discard from the clutches of imperialism, "he stated.

This meeting marks the second day tour of the Syrian president in Venezuela, who became the first president of this country to visit Venezuela.

Al Assad on Friday launched its first international tour through Latin America and chose the Latin American nation as the first leg of his journey. Later the president
continue his tour of Cuba, Brazil and Argentina.

During his stay in the country, four instruments were signed cooperation in agriculture, trade, science and technology.

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Bolivarian Revolution, Chavez told reporters in his day: "Journalists, gunners thought" Resistance Front

The profession of journalism is exercised from a beautiful trench: protecting the right of peoples to be informed , in a timely and accurate, and express themselves freely without any restrictions other than their own legitimate interests, this commitment becomes a journalist in a front row fighter.

In Venezuela, the Journalists' Day is celebrated on June 27 just to commemorate that date from 1818 when first appeared in the Correo del Orinoco, the creation of the republics and freedoms Potter was Simón Bolívar.

"We are free, we write in a free country and we do not intend to deceive the public," the Post said in its first issue, a lesson in journalistic work force that keeps two centuries later. Bolivar, provided visionary, thus waged the battle of ideas. We said: "The press is the artillery of thought," and added, "is as useful as ammunition in the war." So today we consider to be real journalism, useful for the definite independence, for the unity of our peoples, for consciousness-raising and transformative work.

In this battle of ideas, a journalist must wield powerful weapons: the ethics and justice. Only those who seek to evade and turn it into an accomplice, use it for misinformation, misrepresentation, decontextualization, omission, manipulation. Well it says the Journalist Code of Ethics of Venezuela, "the journalist is mainly due to people" and in that sense should be your ally in the quest for a more just society.

A large Venezuelan journalist, founder and director of the School of Journalism at the UCV, Mujica acres, said that the ideal of a good journalist is to serve and not be an instrument. He claimed that "if it is true that the proportion of dishonest journalists is relatively high and that it should be added that of the unconscious, those who have never been asked what they do, how they do, and why and for whom they do is no less true that the dissidents, critics and conscious and are legion in the world. Are those legionaries of information in search of truth important springs in the complex social life and in its transformation. " Congratulations

then the legionaries, the gunners, journalists exercising their profession guided by the values \u200b\u200bof honesty, integrity, dignity and commitment to the fair interests of the people, who have managed to become ethical and social references, which have included people who are in essence, that he should and should never betray their confidence and take up arms against a word or silence.

socialist homeland or death!

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Sample Wording For A Diaper Raffle

Honduras has collected 650 000 signatures Constituent establish

The People's National Front (FNRP) celebrates this Monday the first anniversary of anti-coup on June 28, 2009 against the constitutional government of President then Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, a body that is today's agenda to establish a Constituent Assembly to refound the State of Honduras, for which is collected 650 000 signatures supporting this initiative, to prosecute the political crimes committed since then and are punished.

The statements were made Lidice Ortega, a member of the organization Feminists Honduran Resistance, to be interviewed Monday at Open Book, which transmits Telesur.

This Monday marks one year since the coup on the morning of June 28 2009, when President Zelaya was abducted and beaten by officers of the armed forces of that country and subsequently transferred to the force, Costa Rica.

The coup applied to the Honduran president was led by the imperial bourgeoisie, with the support of a minority group of the Armed Forces of this nation. Nowadays, after controversial elections called by the rebels, the executive of this nation took Porfirio Lobo, the current successor of the dictatorship in this country. Lidice

Ortega stressed that the coup in Honduras there is a need to unify the popular resistance.

Before this, social movements and other organizations worked each for their own interests, without being coordinated, "but the blow we presented a scenario that led to gestate the unification of the strength, by different social sectors, which today is enshrined in the National Front Popular Resistance Honduran social movement in which all have representation, "he said.

Hit and resistance

Manuel Zelaya was recognized as the constitutional President of Honduras, fully, the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA), the Organization of American States (OAS), the Rio Group and by the United Nations Organization (UN), the latter which unanimously approved a resolution condemning the coup.

In fact, the OAS, during an extraordinary general meeting at agency headquarters in Washington, suspended, by acclamation, the membership of Honduras, which was approved by 33 of the 34 members of the organization.

Sunday July 5, following the coup, Zelaya tried returning to his nation, accompanied by a high-level international delegation composed of the presidents of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez, of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, the OAS Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza, and the owner of the UN General Assembly, Miguel D 'Escoto.

However, the military coup in Honduras prevented the landing of the airliner was carrying a Venezuelan-registered Zelaya from Washington to Tegucigalpa and attacked hundreds of people who were in the vicinity the airport to await the return of the constitutional president the Central American country, an action that left four dead.

However, the Honduran people, from this June 28, he continued to be on the streets, made several protests and demonstrations Popular Tegucigalpa peaceful nature, resistance to the coup and to demand restitution Zelaya to his duties as President.

On Monday September 21, Zelaya was able to enter Honduras and welcomed the Brazilian embassy in the Central American nation, where despite the curfew imposed by the dictatorship of Roberto Micheletti, hundreds of people remained in their vicinity, which also electrical service was cut, affecting the work of social media.

coup forces increased their repressive actions against the people, while in Tegucigalpa, thousands of people remained in the streets and from inside the country arrived at the Honduran capital motorcades with members of the resistance.

Lidice Ortega, in his interview by Telesur, said that in the afternoon of June 28, several leaders of social movements and popular organizations decided to hold a meeting in the street, opposite the Presidential Palace and from that moment established as the National Front Against the Coup, "but then we needed to turn this instance into a national political organization and so did the National Front for Popular Resistance."

Porfirio Lobo said that the true intent of Manuel Zelaya was supposed to "remain in power", to which the feminist leader said the successor of the dictatorship in Honduras no basis for that designation and, therefore, is wrong.

"And in any case, one can not endorse a coup as a way to resolve a political situation, other than that we're clear that Wolf has no intention of improving the situation in the State of Honduras, or even acknowledge that what happened was a crime and persecution and killings that are happening today in the nation also are, therefore, far from overcoming the violence that began a year ago against the people and the persecution that goes on, "Ortega claimed.

is known that the real reason that caused the coup in Honduras by factors of power from right and far right Zelaya was the suggestion of making a fourth ballot to consult the people, in a democratic way while not binding, about whether he wanted the opportunity to vote on an Assembly constituent. Truth commission

investigate murders and persecutions

currently in Honduras, 95% of social media in the interests of the oligarchy of the country, therefore, independent media are very low and this has contributed to that the theme of persecution and murder of journalists is what impunity prevails.

This was stated by the director of Radio Globe Honduras, David Romero, in an interview he gave last week to Telesur.

Radio Globo is a private station, whose editorial policy provides for the inclusion and protection of the interests of the people depending on the process of change in Honduras, "which upset about the coup, which is why our work was so limited in function the media siege of the oligarchy, to sell us another truth that is not really my country, "said Romero.

At this juncture, Romero said they have asked the National Front in Honduras, which is the mobilization that are more available, to incorporate permanently in agenda item reports of persecution and attacks against journalists and freedom of expression.

On this point, Lidice Ortega was asked Monday about Porfirio Lobo statements on this issue who has claimed that levels of state apparatuses are not a national organization that is endorsing murders, or political persecution.

Ortega was emphatic in asserting that the media when not only outlines the killings of journalists, which are nine, but community leaders, among others, linking victims with drug trafficking or gang, and never related to political leaders the resistance front, especially for justify crimes.

"I think, moreover, that Wolf's statements contrast with those of the Truth Commission of the OAS, who went to Honduras and found that the legal instruments in this country were not working.

"So, given that Wolf does not want to believe the commission, the National Front for Popular Resistance, today, is beginning the installation of a Truth Commission, composed of members of social movements worldwide, including recognized as human rights defenders and by Hondurans have a long history in working for the defense of such guarantees, "said Ortega.

commented that this committee will begin a series of investigations and then present a report to the Latin American Parliament and the Truth Commission of the OAS, which is the official.

"As Porfirio Lobo insists that there is no persecution in Honduras, the people still crying respect for human rights of all members of the population, at all levels," he said.

Representatives of the Organization of Ibero-American Journalists (IPOs) recently declared that they would denounce before the International Criminal Court and other international agencies to Porfirio Lobo, to ignore the many murders of journalists that have taken place in Honduras and added nine so far in 2010.

In a statement issued by the guild, said that the current authorities have shown a total disregard for human rights and freedom of citizens, particularly the journalism professionals.

addition to crimes against journalists, there are also reports of the killing of more than 50 lawyers, politicians, businessmen and ordinary people at the hands of armed gangs, allegedly working for the State.

OPI The document was signed by the president of the organization, the Venezuelan Alvaro Julio Martinez, who took the opportunity to urge the international community to intervene for an end to these killings and to respect the rights of those who have only fulfilled a duty to inform. Lidice

Ortega stressed that, in addition, Honduras is preparing a letter for the dignity and liberation, for which he also requests the call for a Constituent letter being drafted for three months and since then there collected 650 000 signatures supporting this initiative.

"is that today, the front has the agenda to take the Constituent Assembly to refound Honduras, because we want a Honduras for the people, recovering our natural resources and our way of life in a country where 80% of the population is poor and are not reflected anywhere in the Constitution, and fewer women, "he said Ortega.

Ortega reported that to commemorate the first anniversary of the popular resistance are organizing a march Monday's out of eastern Honduras to the most symbolic and emblematic, where the people resisted the coup, on 28 June of the year past.

This activity will be the prelude to the installation of the Truth Commission.

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Reflections of Fidel: Learn the truth in time

When writing each of my previous reflections, as a human catastrophe was approaching rapidly, my main concern was to fulfill the fundamental duty to inform our people.

Today I am more calm than 26 days ago. As things continue to occur in the short wait, I can renew and enrich the information to national and international public opinion.

Obama pledged to attend the July 2 at quarter-end, if your country got the victory in the second round. He should know better than anyone that these quarter-finals would not be possible and very serious events that occur before, or at least should know.

On Friday 25 June, an international news agency on thoroughness known the details of the information it produces, issued statements of "... the Navy commander of the elite of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards, Gen. Ali Fadavi ... "" warning - "... if the U.S. and its allies inspect the Iranian vessels in international waters 'will receive a response in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz'."

The information was taken from the local news agency Mehr, Iran.

The agency, according to the study, reported, "said Fadavi that 'the Navy IRGC currently has hundreds of boats equipped with missile launchers'. "

The information produced about the same time as published in Granma, or perhaps earlier, it seemed at some points a carbon copy of the paragraphs of the reflection made on Thursday June 24 and published in that newspaper on Friday 25.

The coincidence is explained by the elementary use of logical reasoning applied always. I did not know a word of what he published the local Iranian agency.

harbor no doubt that as soon as the warships of the U.S. and Israel take their place, along with the rest of U.S. military vessels located near the Iranian coast - and try to inspect the first merchant ship of that country, will unleash a hail of bullets in both directions. It will be the exact moment that the terrible war will begin. It is not possible to predict how many ships will sink or what flag.

Learn the truth in time for our people is most important.

Never mind that almost all of his natural instinct, one might say that 99.9 percent or more of my countrymen, preserve hope and agree with me in a sincere desire to be wrong. I've talked to people in the circles closest yet received news of so many noble citizens, dedicated and abiding duty, that in reading my thoughts are not challenging at all its considerations, assimilate, create and dry swallowed the arguments I present, however, immediately dedicated his time to meet work, which devote their energies.

That is precisely what we want from our compatriots. The worst thing is that suddenly aware of the grave news of events, without having heard before any news about such possibilities, then will spread confusion and panic, which would be unworthy of a heroic people like the Cuban, who was about to be objective a massive nuclear attack in October 1962 and did not hesitate a moment to fulfill the duty.

In carrying out heroic internationalist missions, combatants and courageous leaders of our Revolutionary Armed Forces were about to be victims of nuclear attacks against Cuban troops were near the southern border of Angola, where South African racist forces had been evicted after the battle of Cuito and entrenched along the border with Namibia.

The Pentagon, with the knowledge of the President of the United States, provided the South African racists around 14 nuclear weapons by Israel, more powerful than those that were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as explained in other reflections.

I'm not a prophet or seer. Nobody said a word I was going to happen, everything is the result of what we now qualify as logical reasoning.

We are not novices or prying into this complicated issue. In the post-crisis

nuclear, we can foresee what will happen in the rest of Latin-speaking Latin American.

In such circumstances, you can not talk about capitalism or socialism. Only open one stage management of goods and services available on this continent. Inevitably continue to govern each country who are now in office, a number very close to socialism and others full of euphoria the opening of a world market now open for fuel, uranium, copper, lithium, aluminum, iron and other metals is now sent to the developed and rich countries will disappear suddenly.

Abundant food is now exported to the world market will also disappear abruptly.

In such circumstances, the most basic products needed to live: food, water, fuel and resources of the hemisphere to the southern United States, plenty to keep a bit of civilization, progress on which has led humanity out of control such a disaster.

There are, however, things are still very uncertain, "May waive the two most powerful nuclear powers, Russia and the United States, to use one against the other nuclear weapons?

What we do not doubt is that from Europe, nuclear weapons from Britain and France, allied with the United States and Israel, which imposed the order with enthusiasm inevitably unleash war, and this, for the reasons explained, immediately will become nuclear-threatening Russian territory, although the country as China has sought to avoid as much of the forces and possibilities of each.

the superpower's economy will collapse like a house of cards. American society is less prepared to withstand a catastrophe such as that the empire has created in their own territory from where it departed.

not know what the environmental effects of nuclear weapons would inevitably break out in various parts of our planet, and that less severe variant, will be produced in abundance. Adventure

hypothesis would be pure science fiction to me.

Fidel Castro Ruz

June 27, 2010

2 and 3:00 p.m.

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Plans For Saugaue Suffer

anti-Cuban terrorists are encouraged

Guillermo Novo Sampol in June 1969.

Democratic administration in the White House goes through its second year and impunity for anti-Cuban terrorists continues. The international criminal Luis Posada Carriles, is in the enjoyment of the authorities under the next hearing of his trial is expected to happen in January 2011, runs in the sixth year of delays and pretexts, to judge only minor offenses, not for crimes against humanity, those who do not prescribe, committed or ordered by him for years and still unpunished.

Now, the press recorded the statements of Guillermo Novo Sampol, who since August 2004, back to the shelter of Miami, after being illegally pardoned in Panama, where he had been convicted of the assassination attempt against the President of Cuba, Fidel Castro Ruz, in November 2000. Why, this avowed terrorist, is encouraged to show their true colors again? Do you inspire the protection of U.S. authorities to Posada Carriles?, Why defends terrorism as violent option to achieve their goals, so far as to qualify the so-called dissidents as "weak-minded"?

In the Democratic administration, which governed the United States between 1993 and 2000, carried anti-Cuban terrorists 122 acts of terror, the current allowed to freely beat the drums of war with the use of terrorism.

Guillermo Novo, Ignacio with his late brother pairs formed one of the most dangerous in the last four decades of the twentieth century terrorist actions within criminal groups based in Miami. Both failed when they tried to hit with a rocket into the UN building in New York, at the time that the Commander Ernesto Che Guevara gave a speech there.

The two founded the fascist terrorist organization and the Cuban Nationalist Movement, MNC, in 1959, a band dedicated to spreading terror within the United States, formed after Omega-7, 11 September 1974 to commemorate the first year of the fascist coup in Chile. Guillermo

violated his probation in order to serve the National Intelligence Directorate of Chile under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, was the CIA agent Michael Townley in Union City and organized the assassination of former Chilean Foreign Minister Orlando Letelier in Washington, executed Tuesday September 21, 1976 and where in addition to this, the young American died aged 26, Ronni Moffitt.

This criminal and mafia established ties with the Gambino family and the mafia of New York, to employ members of Omega-7, as hit men for work of settling scores, among which are highlighted terrorist Pedro Remon, Pedro Palmero and Eduardo Arocena. The terrorist Carlos Dominicis was contact between the crime syndicate and the Novo brothers.

Chilean General Manuel Contreras Sepúlveda confirmed in 2004, Guillermo Novo, traveled to Buenos Aires to interview Cuban diplomats kidnapped on August 9, 1976. Michael Townley, the Chilean DINA service, called him to accompany him in this macabre mission.

The terrorist Orlando Bosch, claimed the kidnapping, disappearance and death of two young diplomats. Guillermo Novo, has not revealed the details of this trip, nor the information obtained from interrogations entrusted only to Gaspar Jimenez, the Cubans did not reveal any secrets and died like men.

U.S. authorities responsible for combating domestic terrorism in the United States know the long history of Guillermo Novo. The reference in the FBI about it, is irrefutable proof: "Considering that the subject has been carried plastic explosives in his person shall approach him with caution." FBI105-1987 Report of William J. Davis

This is the warning that appears in the report also underlined the FBI official William J. Davis, written by operational field office in Newark, New Jersey on January 31, 1969 recorded with number 105-19876 and 105-164011 Bureau.

The document specified that Novo Sampol was paroled in Hudson County and was one of the most prominent leaders of the Movimiento Nacionalista Cubano, Cuban extremist organization.

According to the probation officer of Novo Sampol, Thomas H. Neary, the MNC was an organization "anti-Castro" with headquarters in Miami, Florida. Its National Director was Felipe Rivero Diaz, who lived in Miami. This organization which was the main figure Novo had been awarded credit for bombs and destruction of property in several countries to protest Cuba's government. His brother, Ignacio Novo, was the titular head of the section of NewYork-New Jersey.

FBI According to the source of NK T-1, 1 October 1968 there was a general meeting of the MNC in Union City, New Jersey. Six days later the same informant said that Novo Sampol brothers were tired of Felipe Rivero and his new policy. They thought that Rivera was acting in a "stupid", particularly for resistance at the time of engaging in terrorist activities.

The two discussed the orders of Felipe Rivero, that the MNC should temporarily stop the terrorist activities in the United States and instead, concentrate such activities on targets outside the United States. Even then, Guillermo Novo, was a staunch advocate of violence, and U.S. authorities knew him.

mentioned in the background to the summary report of the FBI office in Newark, NK 105-19876-32, page 8, states that Guillermo Novo, was interviewed on December 23, 1964 by the Police Department of New York after his arrest in relation to the bazooka attack against UN headquarters in which he admitted his participation. The report

New York Special Agent Francis J. O'Brien, 30 April 1968 under the title of the Cuban Nationalist Movement, IS-CU, NM-CU, file Bureau 97-4149, NK 105-16824, and classified secret. We present a summary of an interview with Guillermo Novo and his brother Ignacio as leading figures of the MNC with Alfredo Izaguirre Horta, editor of Diario La Prensa, a English-language newspaper in New York City. The interview appeared in the edition of January 31, 1968 and quoted William saying that the MNC has cells operating in South America and places like Mexico, Canada and Europe, and that the MNC will participate in everything that has to do against " Marxism-Leninism. "

addition, this will include everything from embassies to merchant ships, and with or without help from other countries, the MNC continue to bring the war in every corner of the world until they liberate Cuba or die trying.
Also in the summary report of the local FBI office in Newark, New Jersey, prepared by Special Agent Richard B. Murdock 31 May 1967 on the case of the Bureau's file 105-164011, NK record 105-19876-32, p. 41, states that the April 7, 1967, Guillermo Novo was interviewed in connection with the explosion of Hotel Ruby Foo in Montreal, Canada on March 11 of that year. Novo denied any involvement in the incident.

FBI investigators were convinced that Guillermo Novo, was one of the direct executors of terrorist acts Canadian authorities had asked for cooperation to clarify the facts. On page 13 of the report, indicated that the September 17, 1964, Novo was interviewed about his complicity in the bombing of the Cuban freighter Maria Teresa in Montreal on August 9 of that year. Novo, as he had advised his lawyer, denied any connection with the incident.

Then on page 17, narrates the Novo interrogation on 17 February 1965, he again denied any connection with the explosion in the Maria Teresa. On 13 August the same year, Novo was arrested for investigation and denied any personal knowledge of the explosion the Maria Teresa. The FBI and Canadian authorities were certain that Novo was the terrorist who had ordered or carried out the action but could not prove it. Novo

continued its terrorist acts in front of the MNC and the Newark special agent, William J. Davis, in his report of March 11, 1968, classified secret, reported that on 27 February this year, Novo was called to testify to investigate the explosion at the Soviet Embassy in Washington, DC on 21 this month.

April 24, Novo was again asked about the bomb blast at the Mexican Consulate and the English Tourist Office in New York, two days before and refused any relationship with these facts.

On November 20, 1968, Novo Sampol, was investigated by the FBI about the observation and monitoring of the movements made by diplomats and the headquarters of the Mission of Cuba to the UN. Novo had been detected when lurking and threatening calls to Cuban established there. This was recorded in Davis Special Agent in secret classified report, which appears in the record of the Bureau 105-164011, NK record 105-19876-198, pages 11-14. Guillermo Novo was interviewed about calls to and contacts with the Mission of Cuba to the UN. The report, specifies that Novo was interviewed by officers from New York 8 and 9 July, then denied that the purpose of monitoring the Mission of Cuba had been to a murder plot and suggested that he did because he wanted to achieve "desertion" of a Cuban diplomat.

These are brief details of the wealth of information that the FBI treasures in its secret archives on the extensive criminal record of Guillermo Novo Sampol, the terrorist, now without fear of terrorism places like the option to overthrow the Cuban Revolution "

now act on its own initiative, will be testing the reaction of the administration or the impunity encourages herself? The U.S. authorities have the floor.

The author is a professor and academic researcher.

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