Monday, June 28, 2010

Free Brent Corrigan Stream

Bolivarian Revolution, Chavez told reporters in his day: "Journalists, gunners thought" Resistance Front

The profession of journalism is exercised from a beautiful trench: protecting the right of peoples to be informed , in a timely and accurate, and express themselves freely without any restrictions other than their own legitimate interests, this commitment becomes a journalist in a front row fighter.

In Venezuela, the Journalists' Day is celebrated on June 27 just to commemorate that date from 1818 when first appeared in the Correo del Orinoco, the creation of the republics and freedoms Potter was Simón Bolívar.

"We are free, we write in a free country and we do not intend to deceive the public," the Post said in its first issue, a lesson in journalistic work force that keeps two centuries later. Bolivar, provided visionary, thus waged the battle of ideas. We said: "The press is the artillery of thought," and added, "is as useful as ammunition in the war." So today we consider to be real journalism, useful for the definite independence, for the unity of our peoples, for consciousness-raising and transformative work.

In this battle of ideas, a journalist must wield powerful weapons: the ethics and justice. Only those who seek to evade and turn it into an accomplice, use it for misinformation, misrepresentation, decontextualization, omission, manipulation. Well it says the Journalist Code of Ethics of Venezuela, "the journalist is mainly due to people" and in that sense should be your ally in the quest for a more just society.

A large Venezuelan journalist, founder and director of the School of Journalism at the UCV, Mujica acres, said that the ideal of a good journalist is to serve and not be an instrument. He claimed that "if it is true that the proportion of dishonest journalists is relatively high and that it should be added that of the unconscious, those who have never been asked what they do, how they do, and why and for whom they do is no less true that the dissidents, critics and conscious and are legion in the world. Are those legionaries of information in search of truth important springs in the complex social life and in its transformation. " Congratulations

then the legionaries, the gunners, journalists exercising their profession guided by the values \u200b\u200bof honesty, integrity, dignity and commitment to the fair interests of the people, who have managed to become ethical and social references, which have included people who are in essence, that he should and should never betray their confidence and take up arms against a word or silence.

socialist homeland or death!

source: Bookmark and Share


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