Monday, June 28, 2010

Plans For Saugaue Suffer

anti-Cuban terrorists are encouraged

Guillermo Novo Sampol in June 1969.

Democratic administration in the White House goes through its second year and impunity for anti-Cuban terrorists continues. The international criminal Luis Posada Carriles, is in the enjoyment of the authorities under the next hearing of his trial is expected to happen in January 2011, runs in the sixth year of delays and pretexts, to judge only minor offenses, not for crimes against humanity, those who do not prescribe, committed or ordered by him for years and still unpunished.

Now, the press recorded the statements of Guillermo Novo Sampol, who since August 2004, back to the shelter of Miami, after being illegally pardoned in Panama, where he had been convicted of the assassination attempt against the President of Cuba, Fidel Castro Ruz, in November 2000. Why, this avowed terrorist, is encouraged to show their true colors again? Do you inspire the protection of U.S. authorities to Posada Carriles?, Why defends terrorism as violent option to achieve their goals, so far as to qualify the so-called dissidents as "weak-minded"?

In the Democratic administration, which governed the United States between 1993 and 2000, carried anti-Cuban terrorists 122 acts of terror, the current allowed to freely beat the drums of war with the use of terrorism.

Guillermo Novo, Ignacio with his late brother pairs formed one of the most dangerous in the last four decades of the twentieth century terrorist actions within criminal groups based in Miami. Both failed when they tried to hit with a rocket into the UN building in New York, at the time that the Commander Ernesto Che Guevara gave a speech there.

The two founded the fascist terrorist organization and the Cuban Nationalist Movement, MNC, in 1959, a band dedicated to spreading terror within the United States, formed after Omega-7, 11 September 1974 to commemorate the first year of the fascist coup in Chile. Guillermo

violated his probation in order to serve the National Intelligence Directorate of Chile under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, was the CIA agent Michael Townley in Union City and organized the assassination of former Chilean Foreign Minister Orlando Letelier in Washington, executed Tuesday September 21, 1976 and where in addition to this, the young American died aged 26, Ronni Moffitt.

This criminal and mafia established ties with the Gambino family and the mafia of New York, to employ members of Omega-7, as hit men for work of settling scores, among which are highlighted terrorist Pedro Remon, Pedro Palmero and Eduardo Arocena. The terrorist Carlos Dominicis was contact between the crime syndicate and the Novo brothers.

Chilean General Manuel Contreras SepĂșlveda confirmed in 2004, Guillermo Novo, traveled to Buenos Aires to interview Cuban diplomats kidnapped on August 9, 1976. Michael Townley, the Chilean DINA service, called him to accompany him in this macabre mission.

The terrorist Orlando Bosch, claimed the kidnapping, disappearance and death of two young diplomats. Guillermo Novo, has not revealed the details of this trip, nor the information obtained from interrogations entrusted only to Gaspar Jimenez, the Cubans did not reveal any secrets and died like men.

U.S. authorities responsible for combating domestic terrorism in the United States know the long history of Guillermo Novo. The reference in the FBI about it, is irrefutable proof: "Considering that the subject has been carried plastic explosives in his person shall approach him with caution." FBI105-1987 Report of William J. Davis

This is the warning that appears in the report also underlined the FBI official William J. Davis, written by operational field office in Newark, New Jersey on January 31, 1969 recorded with number 105-19876 and 105-164011 Bureau.

The document specified that Novo Sampol was paroled in Hudson County and was one of the most prominent leaders of the Movimiento Nacionalista Cubano, Cuban extremist organization.

According to the probation officer of Novo Sampol, Thomas H. Neary, the MNC was an organization "anti-Castro" with headquarters in Miami, Florida. Its National Director was Felipe Rivero Diaz, who lived in Miami. This organization which was the main figure Novo had been awarded credit for bombs and destruction of property in several countries to protest Cuba's government. His brother, Ignacio Novo, was the titular head of the section of NewYork-New Jersey.

FBI According to the source of NK T-1, 1 October 1968 there was a general meeting of the MNC in Union City, New Jersey. Six days later the same informant said that Novo Sampol brothers were tired of Felipe Rivero and his new policy. They thought that Rivera was acting in a "stupid", particularly for resistance at the time of engaging in terrorist activities.

The two discussed the orders of Felipe Rivero, that the MNC should temporarily stop the terrorist activities in the United States and instead, concentrate such activities on targets outside the United States. Even then, Guillermo Novo, was a staunch advocate of violence, and U.S. authorities knew him.

mentioned in the background to the summary report of the FBI office in Newark, NK 105-19876-32, page 8, states that Guillermo Novo, was interviewed on December 23, 1964 by the Police Department of New York after his arrest in relation to the bazooka attack against UN headquarters in which he admitted his participation. The report

New York Special Agent Francis J. O'Brien, 30 April 1968 under the title of the Cuban Nationalist Movement, IS-CU, NM-CU, file Bureau 97-4149, NK 105-16824, and classified secret. We present a summary of an interview with Guillermo Novo and his brother Ignacio as leading figures of the MNC with Alfredo Izaguirre Horta, editor of Diario La Prensa, a English-language newspaper in New York City. The interview appeared in the edition of January 31, 1968 and quoted William saying that the MNC has cells operating in South America and places like Mexico, Canada and Europe, and that the MNC will participate in everything that has to do against " Marxism-Leninism. "

addition, this will include everything from embassies to merchant ships, and with or without help from other countries, the MNC continue to bring the war in every corner of the world until they liberate Cuba or die trying.
Also in the summary report of the local FBI office in Newark, New Jersey, prepared by Special Agent Richard B. Murdock 31 May 1967 on the case of the Bureau's file 105-164011, NK record 105-19876-32, p. 41, states that the April 7, 1967, Guillermo Novo was interviewed in connection with the explosion of Hotel Ruby Foo in Montreal, Canada on March 11 of that year. Novo denied any involvement in the incident.

FBI investigators were convinced that Guillermo Novo, was one of the direct executors of terrorist acts Canadian authorities had asked for cooperation to clarify the facts. On page 13 of the report, indicated that the September 17, 1964, Novo was interviewed about his complicity in the bombing of the Cuban freighter Maria Teresa in Montreal on August 9 of that year. Novo, as he had advised his lawyer, denied any connection with the incident.

Then on page 17, narrates the Novo interrogation on 17 February 1965, he again denied any connection with the explosion in the Maria Teresa. On 13 August the same year, Novo was arrested for investigation and denied any personal knowledge of the explosion the Maria Teresa. The FBI and Canadian authorities were certain that Novo was the terrorist who had ordered or carried out the action but could not prove it. Novo

continued its terrorist acts in front of the MNC and the Newark special agent, William J. Davis, in his report of March 11, 1968, classified secret, reported that on 27 February this year, Novo was called to testify to investigate the explosion at the Soviet Embassy in Washington, DC on 21 this month.

April 24, Novo was again asked about the bomb blast at the Mexican Consulate and the English Tourist Office in New York, two days before and refused any relationship with these facts.

On November 20, 1968, Novo Sampol, was investigated by the FBI about the observation and monitoring of the movements made by diplomats and the headquarters of the Mission of Cuba to the UN. Novo had been detected when lurking and threatening calls to Cuban established there. This was recorded in Davis Special Agent in secret classified report, which appears in the record of the Bureau 105-164011, NK record 105-19876-198, pages 11-14. Guillermo Novo was interviewed about calls to and contacts with the Mission of Cuba to the UN. The report, specifies that Novo was interviewed by officers from New York 8 and 9 July, then denied that the purpose of monitoring the Mission of Cuba had been to a murder plot and suggested that he did because he wanted to achieve "desertion" of a Cuban diplomat.

These are brief details of the wealth of information that the FBI treasures in its secret archives on the extensive criminal record of Guillermo Novo Sampol, the terrorist, now without fear of terrorism places like the option to overthrow the Cuban Revolution "

now act on its own initiative, will be testing the reaction of the administration or the impunity encourages herself? The U.S. authorities have the floor.

The author is a professor and academic researcher.

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