Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Reliability Of Hiv Test At 6 Weeks

The samples were used for the Universal

The analysis of the seized clothing to foster children of the owner of Clarín were contaminated. The judge quoted Arroyo Salgado geneticists to determine what may have happened. You have to decide whether to order new raids. By Raul Kollmann and Irina Hauser.

Judge Sandra Arroyo Salgado called to testify to all geneticists who participated in the work to determine the DNA Noble Felipe and Marcela Herrera. The aim will be to clarify the reasons why could not establish the genetic profile of the adopted children of the owner of the newspaper Clarín. Obviously, there are two hypotheses. The first is that, disability or circumstances of these studies, the samples were contaminated and could not do the study. The second hypothesis is that young people knew they were going to seize the clothing, even on the same court, so the clothes were contaminated above.

It appears that the judge, who acted in three cases, you should find a way to get new samples to establish the genetic profile of the adopted children of Ernestina Herrera de Noble. The only thing that is clear is that throughout the Search history grandchildren never saw a case with such an amount of delay, irregularities, twists and turns. Obviously, all could be avoided if Felipe and Marcela accept blood-delivering the most secure method, and admitted it was determined once and for all whether or not children of the disappeared.

past week, between the official experts and the amazing part is circulating version was not able to establish the DNA of Felipe and Marcela as compared with samples that are in the National Genetic Data Bank (BNDG) . The rumors indicate that the pieces that you were kidnapped Marcela genetic profiles of three people something quite unusual. In the case of Philip, have two different profiles in the clothes he was wearing the day that the members of the Forensic Department and BNDG specialists participated in the raid at the home of her adoptive mother. According to geneticists

consulted by this newspaper, to obtain uncontaminated samples is difficult. Happened to cases in which abducted toothbrushes and combs. Grandchildren supposedly appropriate in these cases are opposed to the delivery of genetic material, they tend to say what your toothbrush or a comb, so we had to repeat the procedure several times. It is also said that contamination of clothing is not unusual because the friction, contact with other people, can damage the sample.

In Noble Herrera facts stand out. The children of the owner of Clarín Arroyo attended the court Salgado to respond to the judge whether they were willing to give blood for analysis. Both answered no. And when he later complained about the interception of vehicles and came minutes after the raid at the home of Ernestine, exhibited a strange argument: "They could have asked for the clothes in court, instead of intercepting cars and raided the home of our mother. " Indeed, Arroyo Salgado had resorted to the less traumatic method to obtain clothes in the house of the brothers, allowing them to the take out in your own bathroom. The sentence on the sampling in court suggests that, obviously, were prepared for that. And there appears the hypothesis that the clothes they were wearing was previously contaminated as other grandchildren-indeed, very few cases-handed toothbrushes and combs that were not them. What is clear is that at the time of the raid on the house of Ernestina, when the kidnapping of the clothes, Felipe and Marcela wore the same clothes in court and some of the items seized was underwear. This was declared one of the professionals participating in the procedure. Pollution underwear, two and three genetic profiles, is amazing.

now remains for the judge Arroyo Salgado establish what happened, why it failed to determine the genetic profile of Marcela and Felipe. To do this, called to testify to all the specialists who participated in the work. But of course, the judge faces a much more difficult: getting the samples that allow a comparison with families searching for their grandchildren appropriate. Nobody knows if Arroyo Salgado order new raids, procedures or any other move. Moreover, there are some who claims he can return to Felipe and Marcela cite to convince them that the most effective and would clarify the case is to agree to deliver the blood sample. A priori, it seems impossible.

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