Monday, June 28, 2010

Sample Wording For A Diaper Raffle

Honduras has collected 650 000 signatures Constituent establish

The People's National Front (FNRP) celebrates this Monday the first anniversary of anti-coup on June 28, 2009 against the constitutional government of President then Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, a body that is today's agenda to establish a Constituent Assembly to refound the State of Honduras, for which is collected 650 000 signatures supporting this initiative, to prosecute the political crimes committed since then and are punished.

The statements were made Lidice Ortega, a member of the organization Feminists Honduran Resistance, to be interviewed Monday at Open Book, which transmits Telesur.

This Monday marks one year since the coup on the morning of June 28 2009, when President Zelaya was abducted and beaten by officers of the armed forces of that country and subsequently transferred to the force, Costa Rica.

The coup applied to the Honduran president was led by the imperial bourgeoisie, with the support of a minority group of the Armed Forces of this nation. Nowadays, after controversial elections called by the rebels, the executive of this nation took Porfirio Lobo, the current successor of the dictatorship in this country. Lidice

Ortega stressed that the coup in Honduras there is a need to unify the popular resistance.

Before this, social movements and other organizations worked each for their own interests, without being coordinated, "but the blow we presented a scenario that led to gestate the unification of the strength, by different social sectors, which today is enshrined in the National Front Popular Resistance Honduran social movement in which all have representation, "he said.

Hit and resistance

Manuel Zelaya was recognized as the constitutional President of Honduras, fully, the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA), the Organization of American States (OAS), the Rio Group and by the United Nations Organization (UN), the latter which unanimously approved a resolution condemning the coup.

In fact, the OAS, during an extraordinary general meeting at agency headquarters in Washington, suspended, by acclamation, the membership of Honduras, which was approved by 33 of the 34 members of the organization.

Sunday July 5, following the coup, Zelaya tried returning to his nation, accompanied by a high-level international delegation composed of the presidents of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez, of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, the OAS Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza, and the owner of the UN General Assembly, Miguel D 'Escoto.

However, the military coup in Honduras prevented the landing of the airliner was carrying a Venezuelan-registered Zelaya from Washington to Tegucigalpa and attacked hundreds of people who were in the vicinity the airport to await the return of the constitutional president the Central American country, an action that left four dead.

However, the Honduran people, from this June 28, he continued to be on the streets, made several protests and demonstrations Popular Tegucigalpa peaceful nature, resistance to the coup and to demand restitution Zelaya to his duties as President.

On Monday September 21, Zelaya was able to enter Honduras and welcomed the Brazilian embassy in the Central American nation, where despite the curfew imposed by the dictatorship of Roberto Micheletti, hundreds of people remained in their vicinity, which also electrical service was cut, affecting the work of social media.

coup forces increased their repressive actions against the people, while in Tegucigalpa, thousands of people remained in the streets and from inside the country arrived at the Honduran capital motorcades with members of the resistance.

Lidice Ortega, in his interview by Telesur, said that in the afternoon of June 28, several leaders of social movements and popular organizations decided to hold a meeting in the street, opposite the Presidential Palace and from that moment established as the National Front Against the Coup, "but then we needed to turn this instance into a national political organization and so did the National Front for Popular Resistance."

Porfirio Lobo said that the true intent of Manuel Zelaya was supposed to "remain in power", to which the feminist leader said the successor of the dictatorship in Honduras no basis for that designation and, therefore, is wrong.

"And in any case, one can not endorse a coup as a way to resolve a political situation, other than that we're clear that Wolf has no intention of improving the situation in the State of Honduras, or even acknowledge that what happened was a crime and persecution and killings that are happening today in the nation also are, therefore, far from overcoming the violence that began a year ago against the people and the persecution that goes on, "Ortega claimed.

is known that the real reason that caused the coup in Honduras by factors of power from right and far right Zelaya was the suggestion of making a fourth ballot to consult the people, in a democratic way while not binding, about whether he wanted the opportunity to vote on an Assembly constituent. Truth commission

investigate murders and persecutions

currently in Honduras, 95% of social media in the interests of the oligarchy of the country, therefore, independent media are very low and this has contributed to that the theme of persecution and murder of journalists is what impunity prevails.

This was stated by the director of Radio Globe Honduras, David Romero, in an interview he gave last week to Telesur.

Radio Globo is a private station, whose editorial policy provides for the inclusion and protection of the interests of the people depending on the process of change in Honduras, "which upset about the coup, which is why our work was so limited in function the media siege of the oligarchy, to sell us another truth that is not really my country, "said Romero.

At this juncture, Romero said they have asked the National Front in Honduras, which is the mobilization that are more available, to incorporate permanently in agenda item reports of persecution and attacks against journalists and freedom of expression.

On this point, Lidice Ortega was asked Monday about Porfirio Lobo statements on this issue who has claimed that levels of state apparatuses are not a national organization that is endorsing murders, or political persecution.

Ortega was emphatic in asserting that the media when not only outlines the killings of journalists, which are nine, but community leaders, among others, linking victims with drug trafficking or gang, and never related to political leaders the resistance front, especially for justify crimes.

"I think, moreover, that Wolf's statements contrast with those of the Truth Commission of the OAS, who went to Honduras and found that the legal instruments in this country were not working.

"So, given that Wolf does not want to believe the commission, the National Front for Popular Resistance, today, is beginning the installation of a Truth Commission, composed of members of social movements worldwide, including recognized as human rights defenders and by Hondurans have a long history in working for the defense of such guarantees, "said Ortega.

commented that this committee will begin a series of investigations and then present a report to the Latin American Parliament and the Truth Commission of the OAS, which is the official.

"As Porfirio Lobo insists that there is no persecution in Honduras, the people still crying respect for human rights of all members of the population, at all levels," he said.

Representatives of the Organization of Ibero-American Journalists (IPOs) recently declared that they would denounce before the International Criminal Court and other international agencies to Porfirio Lobo, to ignore the many murders of journalists that have taken place in Honduras and added nine so far in 2010.

In a statement issued by the guild, said that the current authorities have shown a total disregard for human rights and freedom of citizens, particularly the journalism professionals.

addition to crimes against journalists, there are also reports of the killing of more than 50 lawyers, politicians, businessmen and ordinary people at the hands of armed gangs, allegedly working for the State.

OPI The document was signed by the president of the organization, the Venezuelan Alvaro Julio Martinez, who took the opportunity to urge the international community to intervene for an end to these killings and to respect the rights of those who have only fulfilled a duty to inform. Lidice

Ortega stressed that, in addition, Honduras is preparing a letter for the dignity and liberation, for which he also requests the call for a Constituent letter being drafted for three months and since then there collected 650 000 signatures supporting this initiative.

"is that today, the front has the agenda to take the Constituent Assembly to refound Honduras, because we want a Honduras for the people, recovering our natural resources and our way of life in a country where 80% of the population is poor and are not reflected anywhere in the Constitution, and fewer women, "he said Ortega.

Ortega reported that to commemorate the first anniversary of the popular resistance are organizing a march Monday's out of eastern Honduras to the most symbolic and emblematic, where the people resisted the coup, on 28 June of the year past.

This activity will be the prelude to the installation of the Truth Commission.

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