Monday, October 25, 2010

How To Make Brown Boots Black

Some time ago I was asked to make a pie Formula 1. The choice was the Hamilton McLaren-Mercedes. Rafa was the favorite of the husband of a friend, Sole, who wanted to surprise her husband.
I must admit that I am pro Alonso to death, but hey, it was a challenge and I did not disappoint.

The cake I was asked to wear white chocolate was the favorite birthday, so I decided on a white chocolate brownie with white chocolate ganache too ... come for the teeth sticking.

The details of the car's got a lot of pictures of the car from different angles, although I must confess that I think the model was that of 2009, we agreed not much with the car I saw yesterday in the race, but I hope you did not have much importance.

I must admit I took some details. I could not imagine the millions of logos that have these cars for more than follow as well hand them a picture looking as it is not so simple, even if he did what he could and I think it was so bad.

Then also the details of the hull and good vodafone million propaganda everywhere, honestly be left a fortune in advertising, I guess they will cost.

I think Rafa was delighted with her cake, and I was thrilled because it is the best reward for work.
I have to admit that I enjoyed doing it, even if Alonso would have been had enjoyed the most, heh, heh, heh ...


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cough Taste Like Blood

25 years of a revolutionary video

spent 25 years on television a video that seemed revolutionary to many. With a cartoon format combined with live images, video is passed TAKE ON ME Norwegian group A-HA.

"take on me" is the third single released by A-HA under the label of Warner Bros. Records. It first launched in April 1985 with a very different version of the video seen. In September 1985 he relaunched the video of the song with the format that was revolutionary for the time.
The video is based on the idea of \u200b\u200ban art student with the rotoscoping system and was filmed in London and tells the story a girl, played by actress Bunty Bailey, has an imaginary romance with the hero of his favorite funny stories, played by Morten Harket, she enters the comic strip character and falls in love, this is pursued by vengeful bikers and does the girl out of the story.

Take on me A-HA group was staged in April 1985 but nothing happened with the version of the video, was placed 151 in the charts and sold just 3,000 copies. In September of that year he returned to restrenar the video that is currently known and this achievement will sell 9 million copies of the disc and was number one in Europe and much of the world. They say a good image sells more and that was demonstrated with the song of the Norwegian group.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Crazy Things Fraternities Do

Homer Simpson is "a good Catholic"

For the Vatican, the character of the animated series, Homer Simpson is a good Catholic. The Catholic Church recommended the faithful, through its official journal to see The Simpsons as "the series is about family, community, education and religion much better than other series." Even
L'Osservatore Romano stated that "very few people know and even make the effort to hide it but it's true: Homer Simpson is Catholic"

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How To Reserve A Flight

Rescue Super Mario

recently to high benchmark of the sensations Chilean miners might have after being rescued after 69 days of confinement in the shelter of the San Jose mine. So I write this post are 20 miners have been rescued and mourn, pray, hug their spouses and children and some were frightened by all the press coverage.
Few could imagine that the miner Mario Sepulveda, 41 would have a reaction like that tube. Sepulveda was the second out of the mine hug his wife and the dignitaries present, is more embrace the President of Chile and then I look at it and said "President did not recognize him," I like rock gifts from within the mine.

Then this approached the people who was behind the fence and hug and cry invoke the famous CHI, LE, bar Chile.
already in the hospital and calmer said "I was between God and the devil, fought for me, I earn my God, I hold the best hand." Mario Sepulveda was the narrator of the stories of miners who lived within its enclosure and was uplifting them all. Dubbed the great Super Mario, as the character of Nintendo. Genio to the grave.

Where To Buy Floating Candles


this weekend and bridge have been surrounded by this beautiful fairy bell.
That fairy was originally a supporting character in a play l J . M. Barrie and subsequent novel Peter and Wendy, as well as numerous adaptations including the widely known animated Disney film Peter Pan and because of its success became one of the most popular.

Yes, I had two family birthdays and what chances that both will like Tinkerbell.
For me it was a challenge, Tinker Bell model is almost impossible, has a delicate face and sweet, but did what we could.

Both cakes were a chocolate cake and coca-cola, extracted from the blog of a colleague, AMORCILLARTE (thanks Laia, was really fluffy), one filled with chocolate and other baked apples, coated chocolate.

The first of the cakes was a bell in the field with flowers, enjoying the scenery ...

It was very funny, I liked and I have proof that the birthday girl loved it, loves Tinkerbell and enjoyed it very much, I am very pleased Marina , I made it with love.

The second pie I wanted to give a different touch, so I placed the star of the weekend in a forest Autumn, with its leaves, and gourds.

I think the details in this case have given a twist, what I was looking and the result I think it was very nice.

Bell and Fairies Barrie depend on belief and faith of others to survive, this blog too, so I hope you enjoy and thank you all for your support ..

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

250cc Chopper For Sale


not journey to the center of the Earth, the capsule is dating Mario Fenix \u200b\u200b2 Sepulveda, the second mining contained in San Jose mine for almost 70 days. Before Florencio Avalos was out it was the first out.
tubieron tension-filled weeks Chileans and many around the world who have followed this rescue travez of multiple television channels worldwide stationed at Camp Hope.
Sepulveda Mario's arrival to the surface has been very emotional. Chilean president welcomes you with hugs. With special glasses so your eyes are not affected and a special suit for your skin is not affected with the cold of the region. Van
and rescuer for the third floor and the rise of the third miner, this is Juan Illanes. Hopefully they can go all the miners and rescuers the mine. Chile
fully united to rescue 33 of his children. This is an example of unity and brotherhood that many Ecuadorians to learn.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sound Blaster Ct4780 Driver


A few days out from land Glazing begin to imagine what the feelings that are the 33 miners Chileans for almost 70 days trapped in a mine collapse in San Jose in the region of Copiapo .

While excavating machinery called Plan B, was approaching the point agreed to come to the rescue, I imagine the feeling of joy that it must have invaded, but it also comes a sense of desperation to get out of this long imprisonment, to see their families again feel that sense of life.
other hand, to abandon his 33 co-closure in these two months but must also cause great distress, leaving his teammates to cheer you and napoyaron during their moments of greatest frustration.
While their lives will change in a radical way and to move from being simple miners to be held sooner or later they end up that reputation and we will have to think about their future, their jobs and whether the mine does not fit the feeling of uncertainty about their jobs they invade. Apart
fear invade them, afraid to re-enter a mine and the fear of imprisonment to be have after this so long. Food, light adaptation, the memory this will have to fight when they go from 700 meters in which they were buried.
The best feeling you can have the 33 miners is to feel alive and that this second chance that life has given them take full advantage.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sims 3 Lifetime Cheat

Losing to win a reality show that airs on U.S. television in which a group of overweight enough to enter the "House of Losing to Win" and with the help of fitness instructors, seeking to lose the most weight in order to win the competition and learn to lead a healthy life.
In a society where it is customary to eat large quantities of junk food and obesity is so common, this type of competition shows the world that you can live healthily, that good eating habits and constant practice of exercises can lead to a better quality of life.
There are two teams, but this season most a third team involved in individual physical tests and set where you have to test their skills and training teachers. Weekly and after each test and undergo a training which compares percentage weighing how much weight they lose and lose less weight two Nominees are to be saved by the votes of their peers.

best thing about this program is to see if you can improve your lifestyle and that some changes in our habits we would have a better quality of life, but there are people who have a very serious weight problem, people that exceeds 150 pounds over their ideal weight, have the willpower and courage to meet the testing and training to achieve their goal, which for some is not the prize money they earn at the end of reality, but the experience they're wearing and that will make their lives better, to make this experience apart from his family and friends who accompany them in this change.
the end of each program looks at the participants have been eliminated and as his life and see that they have applied what they learned. This is a program that those who suffer from overweight gives us a different perspective of how we lead our lives.