Tuesday, October 12, 2010

250cc Chopper For Sale


not journey to the center of the Earth, the capsule is dating Mario Fenix \u200b\u200b2 Sepulveda, the second mining contained in San Jose mine for almost 70 days. Before Florencio Avalos was out it was the first out.
tubieron tension-filled weeks Chileans and many around the world who have followed this rescue travez of multiple television channels worldwide stationed at Camp Hope.
Sepulveda Mario's arrival to the surface has been very emotional. Chilean president welcomes you with hugs. With special glasses so your eyes are not affected and a special suit for your skin is not affected with the cold of the region. Van
and rescuer for the third floor and the rise of the third miner, this is Juan Illanes. Hopefully they can go all the miners and rescuers the mine. Chile
fully united to rescue 33 of his children. This is an example of unity and brotherhood that many Ecuadorians to learn.


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