Sunday, July 18, 2010

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Today, like every Sunday, went out to dinner with my family. We headed for lunch at Casa Policentro Tosi.
We ate normally but saw a lot of movement on a restaurant table, and as I approached I noticed the bill because both arboroto and four boys stop me enjoying a huge plate of rice and meat stew. The boys did not seem at first sight of good food and were going crazy not being able to finish that platote food.
Ask about this dish and it was a promotion of Casa Tosi, eat a plate of rice with stew largest city, the contents of that dish is a half pound of pork sausages, 2.5 pounds of rice, 1.5 pounds of stew and plantain 18. The price of the meal is $ 8.50 and if you eat it all without help, this leaves you free.
A rather unusual promotion for people of good food, I knew people in the restaurant indicate that a promotion has been very well received but so far only one person has done with the dish. A very difficult challenge.
'm a good eater, always have been, and this challenge really catches my attention. I remember with friends we went to the NATO Parillada and we ate a simple grilled each. If the continuous promotion for the next Sunday it could be taken.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

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SON OF P. ... Came again to successful

And the octopus Paul returned to hit. Put it to predict all German parties and although acerto predicted by the semi-final victory against the team Teutonic Spain.
In forecasting and hit the loss of Germany in the semifinals sure the pulpit end of the world in a ceviche. Ojala
the pulpit eat it before you can think of another prediction that I want to watch the final without knowing what they predicted the bloody pulpit.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

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The Government denied having offered a candidate for deputy to Maradona

The chief of staff, Anibal Fernandez, said today that the newspaper version of the candidate for deputy of the head coach of the Argentine national team, Diego Maradona, is "a great stupidity."

"At the moment the selection went, the President was in Brasilia and asked me to go and say hello. I tried it at least possible resonance and had no political connotations," said cabinet chief told a radio The Red

Fernandez said that "when they talk about football is nothing but an extrapolation of what was said on the Bicentennial football now and seek to harm the President. "

" The truth is that one must have an iron stomach to handle certain things, "said Chief of Staff.

In this regard, the official stated that" people not stupid, is realizing inventions.

"I'm not going to prevent it from being a Maradona as long as I have been excited about what the selection was implemented," he said and felt that "politics is not you have to mess with those things. "

" Maradona agreed Football for All, but that was a decision of Maradona. He never stopped expressing his ever popular vocation and his desire to see soccer Free everywhere, "he said.

Finally, the Chief of Staff said that his version of the nomination for deputy of Maradona is a big stupid" and "stupid explanation itself." He added: "It big nonsense. "

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A massive support equal rights

The survey also reveals an important agreement inside the country. And it shows rejection position of the Church against the marriage between same sex. Back to the legislators who vote in favor of equal rights. Soledad Vallejos.

More than three quarters of the population (81 percent) agreed that homosexuals and heterosexuals have equal rights. Slightly less (69 percent) said he agreed with the proposed civil marriage law that the House of Representatives passed in May. More than half of citizens (57.6 percent) disagree with the Catholic Church rejects the marriage between same sex, most of these people is defined as practicing Catholics. So says a study conducted Analogies consultant nationwide in mid-June in 1250 cases at the request of Argentina LGBT Federation. The numbers paint a picture considerably less polarized and opponent of the bill begins to move today key moments in the Senate (see separate article). So different from what has been said are the numbers that many of the districts whose senators and senators oppose the bill can hardly argue that they do because they want their constituents.

The existence of civil rights that protect both heterosexuals and homosexuals is affirmed by a large majority. 81 percent have ratified it, and even greater support is manifested when it comes to same-sex couples can share the social work (88.1 percent) or widowed who can collect a pension (83 percent). In light of these responses is not surprising 68.6 percent that is displayed according to two people of the same sex to marry because "we are all equal" (44.2) and "it is important that each person is free to decide what to do with his life" (37 , 6). The closeness note: Knowing situations is not an insignificant reason for this support: a 9 per cent said they supported marriage for two people of the same sex because "I have friends, child as relatives, peers working with men and understand. "

Notably, those who disagreed abbreviated the arguments: the nature, the laws of God (31.1 between the two) and religion (4 percent), tradition (25) and morality (9) accounted for 69, 1 percent.

The project that the House of Representatives passed in May harvest 69 percent support, and 66.8 percent of all respondents believe "very likely to approve" the senators. The answer will come in the coming days.

On tour in the provinces

In the city of Buenos Aires, 85.8 percent were in favor of the project defined a partial approval of Deputies, which probably no surprise to his detractors, in recent days engaged in narrow ground support to Buenos Aires. (The Senate and the City, on the other hand, have declared all to Please.) However, the survey responses paint a landscape where the provincial support for extending civil marriage between 50 and 70 percent. The information is even more revealing when we review what they have proclaimed and some of the representatives of these provinces to the Senate. To that, moreover, must also consider the before and after: in most provinces, the support for marriage for same-sex grew after the initial approval in Parliament.

The divorce electorate and representation could be serious in Cordoba. Two of its three representatives (Luis Juez, who today is one of the six signatories of the favorable opinion and Norma Morandini, who denounced pressures Episcopal) were in favor, the third, Ramon Mestre, has spoken out against allegations that it is "not to undermine the conception of marriage" and suggested making a "non-binding referendum" for " know what society wants. " 68.5 percent had given its agreement with the proposition that civil marriage was valid also for gay couples, such support climbed to 69.7 after the initial approval.

The province of Buenos Aires rose from 66.4 to 67 percent support, contradicting the majority opposition had alleged that Hilda "Chiche" Duhalde. Santa Fe and Corrientes share trend: 63.7 per cent were in favor of what passed in Parliament. In both cases, the average penalty seems to have added an extra social approval (in Santa Fe, 58.6 percent supported marriage in the abstract, in Corrientes 55.2). But while the first province Carlos Reutemann only opposes the project (Rubén Giustiniani and Roxana Latorre have already pledged their support), in Corrientes the situation is reversed: only Nito Artaza favor; Meabe Josefina and José María Roldán (who possibly tomorrow firm opinion for civil union) is rejected.

Another area in which the reading of their representatives appear distorted is La Pampa: 63 percent is in favor of what Members approved (before that did the 61.1). And yet the three senators (Maria de los Angeles Higonet, Juan Carlos Marino and Carlos Verna) have said or suggested on more than occasion that does not support it. Two of the three representatives of Chubut (Graciela Di Perna and Marcelo Guinle) have announced they will vote for the law, the third Mario Cimadevilla, now possibly a firm opinion on the draft civil union. The survey estimated at 62.3 percent support the text sanctioned by Parliament (that figure came from 55 percent).

More than half of the Mendoza population (56.2 percent) supported the project that could become law the Senate. It was against this province represents Rolando Bermudez, the commission member whose signature today could give majority opinion the extension of civil marriage. In Neuquén, which Senator Marcelo Fuentes your signature today will bill approved in May, support for same-sex marriage may climb to 56.4 percent.

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"There was no unauthorized trip"

The chancellor blamed the newspapers for having "attitude destituyentes" in the presentation of a cable reserved. Said that companies are "grateful" for the efforts made by the Argentine government.

Héctor Timerman Chancellor and Secretary of American Integration and Mercosur, Eduardo Sigal, again denied the existence of a "parallel Embassy in Venezuela. "There was no trip to any officer or any ministry that has not been previously approved by the executive branch," Timerman said yesterday, after attending a tribute to the journalist Eduardo Kimel. In addition, the foreign minister's statements confirmed Sigal, in which the Foreign Ministry official warned of the "concern of two companies" asking to be included in the round of negotiations for the electric conversion program with the country of President Hugo Chávez.

After the ceremony with President Cristina Fernandez in the CELS, Timerman questioned what are considered "destituyentes attitudes" of some newspapers. "If you change the titles of Clarín and La Nación, instead of putting all this conspiracy, would that there are two cables that are quasi-public and there would be scandal, criticized the chancellor. These daily broadcast last weekend, a cable sent by the secretary to the chancellor and Sigal Venezuelan embassy to warn of a meeting of the attended by officials of the Ministry of Planning, which would have "left out of negotiations" for investment "two companies" Argentine who were working with the Caribbean country. Timerman

explained that power companies EMA cells and crane manufacturer Hidro-Grubert "are grateful to the Government on how the promoted and protected" and dismissed that these firms have been marginalized for trade with Venezuela. The chancellor said that "there were 10 companies in a meeting and said Sigal try to incorporate them into the meeting, which then could not be done because he concluded."

For Timerman, "Clarín and La Nación bother them that Argentina does business with Venezuela, which spent 100 million dollars to more than 1500 million" and clarified that "there is no parallel embassy," but that the meetings are "a technical issue." The diplomat also informed that Hidro-Grubert "sold Venezuela U.S. $ 10 million since 2005 and EMA signed before President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner an agreement to place a plant in Venezuela and sold 150 electric cells for 5 million dollars. "

In this context, the chancellor said the two companies "Can not feel discriminated against" by failing to attend a business meeting. This agreement was only room for 10 companies and they did not enter because they are changing in the various conventions.

Meanwhile, Sigal accused the media of misinterpreting the information that he had written in requesting the inclusion of these companies. "It has mounted an operation that is trying to use me against the national government," said the official, who was confirmed in office by the chancellor. Sigal said that the meeting was held alongside a meeting of the High Level Bilateral Commission (Coban) in the country Caribbean, led by "an official of the Ministry of Planning." But, unlike what has been published, said he also attended by officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On the cable appear reserved in the Chancellery, Sigal also warned that "there are areas of diplomacy that are part of a project to dent the will to transform this government." Timerman said, moreover, that these cables "have no reserved", since "the cable sent by the Embassy of Venezuela that drives the response Sigal, a cable is reserved, but over a hundred people have free access and over 500 access to a computer sitting in Chancery. "

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"My subordinates carry out my orders"

Sitting next to Luciano Benjamin Menendez and twenty-nine other defendants for the murder of 31 political prisoners from the Cordoba UP1 Videla military court claimed, hid behind the decrees of Isabel Perón and anticipated that he will not testify. By Nora Veiras.

firm voice and tone with less military, Jorge Rafael Videla spoke for the first time in a court of democracy. "I take my responsibility in the civil war terrorism waged against subversive, my subordinates merely to fulfill my orders as commander in chief, "said the former general who led the last coup in Argentina. He repeated that the Tribunal Oral de Córdoba "no jurisdiction" to try him for crimes against humanity, claimed as his "natural judge of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces" and announced that he will not testify. In less than a month to meet 85 years and twelve years imprisonment, Videla came with better face, even during the dictatorship when told foreign correspondents: "The missing are neither alive nor dead, are de-sa-pa-re-ci-two. " The head of the Third Army Corps, Luciano Benjamin Menendez, one of the 31 accused for the torture and crimes committed in Prison Unit 1 (UP1) Córdoba was also the microphone. With the same script that is used in trials in which he was convicted and in Tucuman and Cordoba, said that "the Marxist terrorists, led from abroad, raided the Republic because they believed in our democratic institutions, now take it, take refuge and use those same democratic institutions to judge those who defend them. " Menendez then anticipated, as well as its top leader, he will not testify because they know the Civil Justice. Blameless

Last Friday just started to read the indictment against those responsible for the murder of thirty-one political prisoners from the UP1, between April and October 1976, Videla had wanted to talk. The Chief Jaime Diaz Gavier interrupted because that was not the quiet moment to listen. Videla, who had remained silent for the Trial of the Juntas in 1985, had the opportunity to elaborate, but did it for a few minutes. He recalled that "the Federal Court judged in my case all the facts (...) I believe that the facts constitute double jeopardy. Nobody can be tried twice for the same cause. " He said that in August 1984 first declared before the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and "always recognized the authorship of the guidelines I gave to comply with a directive from the Ministry of Defence and the decrees signed by the Executive in full exercise of its constitutional powers. The directives were regarded as unobjectionable by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. " Upon taking office

Raul Alfonsin, the December 10, 1983, issued Decree 158, which established for the trial of the first three military juntas through the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. On 13 February '84, with the delays and lack of will shown by the military court is punishable by law to amend the Code of Military Justice authorizes the Civil Justice to intervene. On 11 July '84, the Federal Supreme Council tells investigate whether there were human rights violations. September 25 is when the military tribunal meets and qualifies as "indisputable" "decrees, directives, orders of operations, etc., which specifies the military action against terrorist subversion." On 4 October, the Federal Chamber moves to military judges and takes over the historic trial. Videla was sentenced to life imprisonment, perpetual disqualification, removal military grade. Former President Carlos Saul Menem pardoned in 1990, eight years later he returned to prison for a case of theft of babies: 38 days passed in the Caseros prison and then under house arrest until 2008 he was detained in prison under the Federal Penitentiary Service in Campo de Mayo.

Videla, like Menendez, never recognized the civil jurisdiction. Yesterday, before warning that it will not be allowed to declare a clarification on the charge hanging over him for the murder of thirty-one political prisoners. He said "it was mentioned on Friday that the police was subject to Córdoba from 24 March '76 The Army when, in fact, by decree of October 6, 1975 signed by the doctor (Italo) Luder was available from that date that all the police were under the operational control of the armed forces. "

That is another key argument of the defense of the repressors, which is only limited to comply with the decrees of "suppression of subversion" dictated by Luder, as interim president, during the reign of Isabel Martínez de Perón. Fermin Rivera's testimony is eloquent of the change meant the jump from democracy to dictatorship for detainees in the UP1 (see page 2). Subordinates

Videla ended, spoke with her well-known Menendez contextualization on "international Marxism" that inspired "the rebels against Western and Christian society." This may not paraphrased, as last December in another trial that has as its protagonist, the Minister of Education fleeting Buenos Aires, Abel Posse, but remained faithful to the script. The sound problems that were repeated Videla annoyed with some of the 17 soldiers, 13 police and civilian medical, but were no obstacle to speak without inhibitions. At the point where we will continue with their speeches.

Among those listening was made Commissioner Carlos Alfredo Yanicelli retired major, alias Toucan, indicted for torture to 210 people and six murders. Yanicelli was appointed Director of Criminal Intelligence Oscar Cordoba Police Aguad while serving as Interior Minister Ramón Mestre. Aguad is now the president of the radical caucus in the House of Deputies.

Retired Colonel Osvaldo Cesar Quiroga called for a foot to the microphone and sent for one hour. Quiroga, like most of the other officers claimed that Videla has assumed his responsibility as leader and simply mark the fulfillment of orders. Quiroga also participated in the repression in the field concentration of La Perla. The retired lieutenant colonel Enrique Pedro Mones Ruiz tried to show off some theatrics to criticize the secretary of National Human Rights, Eduardo Luis Duhalde, and was admonished by the court (see separate article).

When the afternoon gave way to night, Francisco Paul D'Aloia continued talking and was the only one who agreed to answer questions. The prosecutor, some advocates and even other defendants then recreated unprecedented dialogue that continues today. D'Aloia, accused of involvement in the transfer of prisoners, the mechanism to cure the alleged leak to justify the shootings, asked for a board to continue today with his defense. To representatives of all human rights organizations and relatives of the victims, continue to repeat their arguments that does not arise even repentance for the atrocities. A group of relatives of the defendants share the area in which first opened his mouth in front of judges of democracy the military longer exercised de facto power in Argentina: Videla, for five years.

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President Chavez reiterates its expectation respectful relationship with Colombia

President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez Frías, reiterated Monday from the Federal Legislative Palace in Caracas waiting for a mutually respectful relationship with Colombia.

This was emphasized in his speech to mark the celebration of 199 anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence, held in the National Assembly, whose keynote speaker was his Ecuadorian counterpart, Rafael Correa.

recalled that the call for mutual respect was the core message that gave the region's foreign ministers who attended Saturday July 3rd at the meeting of foreign ministers of the Summit of Latin America and the Caribbean.

"Integration is something that can not depend on the ideologies of each country. Union is the only way to freedom and progress of our peoples, "he said.

President Chávez reiterated that "our journey was and is our revolution. Each country has its own characteristics. "

He called on the peoples of the region to not be fooled by those who "have tried to portray us as the instigators of the violence is a dangerous factor that divides and disrupts the continent."

In commemoration of Independence attended the official entourage of President Correa, and the Bolivarian government executive train, accompanied by representatives of popular power.

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Structure PSUV organizational ensure electoral victory of the revolution

The organizational structure that currently drives the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), which includes Bolivar battle units 200 in each polling station and a patrol in each polling station will ensure the victory of the revolution in parliamentary elections Sept. 26. This was emphasized

Freddy Bernal, a member of the board of the organization red, the program broadcast on Tuesday woke Venezuela by Venezolana de Television (VTV).

stressed that the socialist revolution has a number of benefits currently against the opposition during the elections, including the existence of a leader, President Hugo Chávez, a solid game and an organizational structure that would envy any organization in Latin America.

Bernal recalled that the PSUV is intended to bring 2 million men and women in the Bolivar Field Command 200.

She said the Socialist Party campaign comprises three stages: the first is the organization which is under development and will run until July 15, the second is to deploy in every corner of the country to get from house to house with revolutionary proposal, and the third is the campaign itself, regulated by the National Electoral Council (CNE), which begins Aug. 26 and will include caravans and tours.

Bernal explained that there are national campaign headquarters, state and circuital and battle units Bolivar 200, located at each polling place. Informed that the PSUV election commission has in its possession the names of 12 thousand 471 heads of these units.

addition, each center is a field command structure consists of nine people, for a total of 112 000 239 PSUV. In

polling conform patrols battle Bolivar 200, which accounts for a total of 36 000 603 patrols across the country. Bernal said

already entered also to the central command who are the heads of such bodies, which are currently becoming a data base supplied by the party's electoral commission.

PSUV leader pointed that the goal is to locate these people house to house to encourage them to vote for the revolution.

In Caracas, he said, the goal is to create a basic structure of 161,000 people, from July 15 to be deployed throughout the city and play to ten people each.

"If we endeavor to assemble the structure and ensure the battle units and patrols, and we secured the win, "he said.

stressed that this system will ensure PSUV most formidable electoral machine that existed in the political history of Venezuela.

am confident that despite the dirty war, the attacks and calls for violence from opponents, it is certain that on 26 September, the PSUV will be a qualified majority in the National Assembly (AN). He added that the goal of the game is to reach the 126 deputies.

This figure, he said, will ensure the deepening of the Bolivarian socialism and Chavez's reelection in 2012.

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Venezuela managed to eliminate leprosy as a public health problem

The incidence rate of leprosy in Venezuela (no infectious disease transmissibility when properly treated) is 0.07%, compared to countries where it is still a problem public health, such as Brazil.

According to the specialist in leprosy and Biosciences Institute under the Ministry of Popular Power for Health, in 1997 Venezuela got less than one patient per 10 000 inhabitants is contaminated by the disease.

He explained that in a country believes that leprosy is a public health problem if more than one patient per 10 000 people with this disease. Situation which disappeared from the national territory, thanks to the destigmatización achieved in this infection.

The specialist noted that previously, patients with leprosy were isolated cruelly maimed and they were not given proper treatment. Moreover, it was a disease that denigrated and discriminated against the individual.

however, said that thanks to the technological and scientific advances, in which participated the Venezuelan scientist Jacinto Convit, leprosy is a treatable disease in humans and reduce the national incidence.

however, said that like any disease transmitted by bacteria, in this case by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis has some pockets but has always been a low incidence in Venezuela.

According to statistics from the Institute of Biomedicine, in 1990 424 new cases emerged and by 2009 there were 567 cases but with a population of 9 million difference 58 000 910 inhabitants.

Therefore, its detection rate has decreased from 0.22 to 0.20 cases.

The specialist said that the treatment of Leprosy is donated by the World Health Organization (WHO) and distributed timely and guaranteed by the Ministry of Health.

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Venezuela is an example of a successful social economy

statements Treki Abdessalam Ali, president of the 64 session of the UN General Assembly, in that Venezuela is a role model for meeting the Millennium Development Goals, demolish the campaigns put forward by the Western media on a hypothetical "bad" economic and social performance of the Bolivarian Revolution.

A press release notes that the top UN official said during a recent visit to Caracas, Venezuela "has managed to be a paradigm model for other countries in order to achieve these objectives. " Treki

reviewed with Venezuelan authorities on meeting the goals set by the world organization, and how this country is headed in the past decade.

In 2000, some 192 nations adopted eight Millennium Development Goals to be met in 2015 to improve economic and social conditions that affect millions of people worldwide.

These include, reducing by half the proportion of hungry people, reduce by two thirds the mortality of children under five years and three quarters the maternal relation to the year 1990, moreover, that all children in the world able to complete education primary.

The other five projects are to stop the spread of HIV / AIDS, malaria and other diseases, halving the proportion of people without drinking water, ensuring the environment, improve the lives of millions of people slum dwellers, adopting policies to promote sustainable development and global partnership for development.

UN These projections have been detained by the crisis of capitalism that began in the U.S. in 2008 affected many countries and extends to the fields of finance, economy, investments, real estate, food and environmental.

To this are added the neoliberal policies massive privatization and globalization irrational imposed on many countries by the developed nations through the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB), causing the concentration of capital in the hands of a few individuals at the expense of the majority.

The United Nations set out in a recent report that 1% of the richest in the world owns 40% of global wealth, while the bottom half owned barely 1%.

One of the last campaign against the Bolivarian Revolution to try to denigrate the social system chosen by the government of President Hugo Chavez, was the fall of -2% of Gross Domestic Product in 2009, due to the global capitalist crisis and the precipitous drop in oil prices, main export of the nation.

GDP, according to the standards imposed by Western financial and economic entities, represents the sum of all goods and services produced by a country in a year, but the wealth generated is made within that measurement is not complete.

Nobel Prize for economics, the American Joseph Stiglitz, the measuring instruments of growth "only governments to offset increased material production and non-being."

Following a request to consider this index asked French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Stiglitz pointed out that among economists there has long been a "strong feeling that the GDP is not a good measuring instrument, it does not calculate adequately the changes that affect the welfare and does not allow proper comparison of welfare in different countries. "

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) after several years of discussion, fully accepted the scheme drawn up by Cuba to measure GDP.

Since 2003 Cuba has included in its calculations of growth of free services, subsidies and other social benefits, based on the methodology of the United Nations agency to measure the national accounts showed bias towards countries with economies that were not market.

The same parameter applies to nations allot a significant portion of its budget to improve physically and mentally, the welfare of its people.

When analyzing the achievements made in Venezuela since the arrival of President Chavez in 1999, it is logical that Venezuela march ahead of most countries of the region in terms of GDP and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.

In brief summary, social programs, which only this year the government allocated a budget of 72. 851 million Bs (45.7% of national total) helped reduce poverty from 80% in 1999 to 30% in 2009, and lower extreme poverty in the same period, from 17.1% to 7.2%.

In a few years, Venezuela has, with the help of Cuba, declaring its territory free of illiteracy, qualification recognized by UNESCO. Numerous and extensive

are more than 30 social missions are made available to the entire population, ranging from studies of free primary, secondary, pre-university and university education to health care and specialized in all corners of the country.

regard to food, malnutrition of children aged school was located in only 3.7% and mortality in children under five years stood at 13 per thousand live births.

In the nearly 12 years, have built thousands of homes and have taken the electricity, water and sanitation to thousands of homes with minimal cost to its inhabitants.

fundamental question for the achievement of these benefits was the recovery by the state of the oil wealth that way because the company Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) was able to get bulky and deliver dividends in the period of 2001-2009 more than 57 billion dollars to social programs.

industrial and agricultural development has been to diversify out of dependence on the oil industry, therefore, have created new businesses and industries producing food and durable goods.

results are abundant for the Bolivarian Revolution, you can not cover or with heavy disinformation campaigns of the capitalist media.

ECLAC undertook to refute when in its report of 2009 meant that Venezuela is at the forefront in overcoming poverty and inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean. That is, a successful social economy.

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Spanish Foreign Minister Visits Cuba

Moratinos was met at the airport by Cuban Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos

, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Kingdom of Spain, arrived last night in Cuba, to complete a working visit.

Upon arrival at Jose Marti International Airport, the English diplomat was received by Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, Cuba's minister of Foreign Affairs (Foreign Ministry) and Manuel Cacho Quesada, Ambassador of the European nation in Havana.

During their stay, which runs until Wednesday, Moratinos will hold talks with his Cuban counterpart, and develop other activities, the Foreign Ministry reported.

This is the third visit of the English operator to Cuba since he took that position in 2004. The above took place in April 2007 and November 2009.

With information from the AIN

Spain is the third largest trading partner of Cuba, and political and diplomatic relations between the two countries develop in an atmosphere of cordiality.

economic and trade exchanges more important between the two countries are related to hotel management and the import of machinery and equipment. Between the two countries there are also historical cultural ties.

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growing in the U.S. debate on targeted killings ordered by the government

A cameraman for Reuters news agency was killed by a U.S. drone when the operator of the ship confused the long lenses Reporter with a grenade launcher.

IPS with information

Barack Obama administration tries to justify its "targeted killings" against U.S. citizens suspected of terrorism while growing debate about the legality of these operations.

There is no way to repair the damage. A cameraman for Reuters news agency was killed by a U.S. drone when the operator of the ship confused the long lenses of the reporter with a grenade launcher.

Despite these risks and the danger posed to attack innocent civilians, government counterterrorism officials continue to defend Obama's right to identify Washington as targets American citizens considered a threat to capture or kill them without trial.

The head of the National Counterterrorism Center, Michael Leiter, cited the example of the dangers allegedly posed by cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, connected with the radical Islamist al Qaeda network.

Al-Awlaki, 39, was born in Las Cruces in southern New Mexico. It is an international speaker with dual citizenship, American and Yemeni.

The former imam and spiritual leader would have inspired us with their views dangerous Islamic terrorists. It is said that his sermons came three suicide bombers who perpetrated the attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York and Washington.

Leiter did not say clearly whether Al-Awlaki was in the list of targets, but other senior officials in Washington have confirmed that the cleric is effectively targeted.

Much of the debate on these extrajudicial killings has focused on the fact that they violate the Constitution United States, but experts insist that should be emphasized that violate international laws of war.

"These political assassinations or targeted, also called extra-judicial executions are carried out by a government order, and sometimes even without knowledge of it, outside any legal framework," said Marjorie Cohn, former president of the National Lawyers Guild.

The expert cited a 1998 report by the Organization of the United Nations stating that "extrajudicial could never be justified under any circumstances, even in times of war."

"The premeditated murder is a serious violation of the Geneva Conventions, "the report said.

Cohn argued that the situation is even worse considering that the U.S. is not formally at war.

Meanwhile, Daphne Eviatar, the organization Human Rights First, told IPS: "The problem with the unmanned aircraft program is that government has not provided the public with enough information to determine if you meet the legal requirements, "he said.

"The fact that someone is under suspicion of having links with Al Qaeda or supporting Al Qaeda member does not a foreign force fighting against the United States, or someone directly involved in hostilities against "American interests, he added.

"While the U.S. does not provide information not only about who is taking it as objectives, but on what evidence is there for that person to be taken as such we can not know whether what we are doing is legal," he added.

Meanwhile, constitutional lawyer Scott Horton, contributor to Harper's Weekly magazine, told IPS that there were two ways "in which the government could justify the extrajudicial killing of an American citizen."

"One is when a person is in the very act of committing a crime that threatens the lives of others, or you can seriously hurt, and no other way to stop it. The other is in the context of a war, "he said.

"The Obama administration seems to think that the second case is applicable to Al-Awlaki, but if you have evidence to prove it, certainly it has not been presented to the public," he said.

And even if it had such evidence, he added, "has not explained why not just arrest him and bring him to answer for charges based on crimes that they believe has committed, apparently including terrorist activities and perhaps treason ".

"Obviously need explain why that would not work and why they should throw bombs at risk of killing dozens of innocent civilians in order to assassinate Al-Awlaki, "said Horton.

Colonel Morris Davis, former chief prosecutor for terrorism cases from the Department of Defense, came to public attention when he said that the military justice system had become corrupted by politics and inappropriate influence from senior Pentagon officials.

"The Fifth Amendment states that U.S. citizens can not be 'deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law'" he told IPS.

"If the Constitution prohibits the government get you home without a prior hearing and without giving you the opportunity to defend, it seems a bit ironic that can get you life with even less formality and less pre-processing, "he added.

Professor Francis Boyle of the University of Illinois, has severely criticized the government's program of Obama drone.

"What is proposed here with Al-Awlaki and other U.S. citizens on the list now openly admitted the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is an assassination, an extrajudicial execution or a grave violation of their right to life, human rights and the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution United States, "he told IPS.

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