Tuesday, July 6, 2010

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Venezuela is an example of a successful social economy

statements Treki Abdessalam Ali, president of the 64 session of the UN General Assembly, in that Venezuela is a role model for meeting the Millennium Development Goals, demolish the campaigns put forward by the Western media on a hypothetical "bad" economic and social performance of the Bolivarian Revolution.

A press release notes that the top UN official said during a recent visit to Caracas, Venezuela "has managed to be a paradigm model for other countries in order to achieve these objectives. " Treki

reviewed with Venezuelan authorities on meeting the goals set by the world organization, and how this country is headed in the past decade.

In 2000, some 192 nations adopted eight Millennium Development Goals to be met in 2015 to improve economic and social conditions that affect millions of people worldwide.

These include, reducing by half the proportion of hungry people, reduce by two thirds the mortality of children under five years and three quarters the maternal relation to the year 1990, moreover, that all children in the world able to complete education primary.

The other five projects are to stop the spread of HIV / AIDS, malaria and other diseases, halving the proportion of people without drinking water, ensuring the environment, improve the lives of millions of people slum dwellers, adopting policies to promote sustainable development and global partnership for development.

UN These projections have been detained by the crisis of capitalism that began in the U.S. in 2008 affected many countries and extends to the fields of finance, economy, investments, real estate, food and environmental.

To this are added the neoliberal policies massive privatization and globalization irrational imposed on many countries by the developed nations through the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB), causing the concentration of capital in the hands of a few individuals at the expense of the majority.

The United Nations set out in a recent report that 1% of the richest in the world owns 40% of global wealth, while the bottom half owned barely 1%.

One of the last campaign against the Bolivarian Revolution to try to denigrate the social system chosen by the government of President Hugo Chavez, was the fall of -2% of Gross Domestic Product in 2009, due to the global capitalist crisis and the precipitous drop in oil prices, main export of the nation.

GDP, according to the standards imposed by Western financial and economic entities, represents the sum of all goods and services produced by a country in a year, but the wealth generated is made within that measurement is not complete.

Nobel Prize for economics, the American Joseph Stiglitz, the measuring instruments of growth "only governments to offset increased material production and non-being."

Following a request to consider this index asked French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Stiglitz pointed out that among economists there has long been a "strong feeling that the GDP is not a good measuring instrument, it does not calculate adequately the changes that affect the welfare and does not allow proper comparison of welfare in different countries. "

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) after several years of discussion, fully accepted the scheme drawn up by Cuba to measure GDP.

Since 2003 Cuba has included in its calculations of growth of free services, subsidies and other social benefits, based on the methodology of the United Nations agency to measure the national accounts showed bias towards countries with economies that were not market.

The same parameter applies to nations allot a significant portion of its budget to improve physically and mentally, the welfare of its people.

When analyzing the achievements made in Venezuela since the arrival of President Chavez in 1999, it is logical that Venezuela march ahead of most countries of the region in terms of GDP and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.

In brief summary, social programs, which only this year the government allocated a budget of 72. 851 million Bs (45.7% of national total) helped reduce poverty from 80% in 1999 to 30% in 2009, and lower extreme poverty in the same period, from 17.1% to 7.2%.

In a few years, Venezuela has, with the help of Cuba, declaring its territory free of illiteracy, qualification recognized by UNESCO. Numerous and extensive

are more than 30 social missions are made available to the entire population, ranging from studies of free primary, secondary, pre-university and university education to health care and specialized in all corners of the country.

regard to food, malnutrition of children aged school was located in only 3.7% and mortality in children under five years stood at 13 per thousand live births.

In the nearly 12 years, have built thousands of homes and have taken the electricity, water and sanitation to thousands of homes with minimal cost to its inhabitants.

fundamental question for the achievement of these benefits was the recovery by the state of the oil wealth that way because the company Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) was able to get bulky and deliver dividends in the period of 2001-2009 more than 57 billion dollars to social programs.

industrial and agricultural development has been to diversify out of dependence on the oil industry, therefore, have created new businesses and industries producing food and durable goods.

results are abundant for the Bolivarian Revolution, you can not cover or with heavy disinformation campaigns of the capitalist media.

ECLAC undertook to refute when in its report of 2009 meant that Venezuela is at the forefront in overcoming poverty and inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean. That is, a successful social economy.

source: abn.info.ve Bookmark and Share


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