Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Luella Bags 2010 Online

A massive support equal rights

The survey also reveals an important agreement inside the country. And it shows rejection position of the Church against the marriage between same sex. Back to the legislators who vote in favor of equal rights. Soledad Vallejos.

More than three quarters of the population (81 percent) agreed that homosexuals and heterosexuals have equal rights. Slightly less (69 percent) said he agreed with the proposed civil marriage law that the House of Representatives passed in May. More than half of citizens (57.6 percent) disagree with the Catholic Church rejects the marriage between same sex, most of these people is defined as practicing Catholics. So says a study conducted Analogies consultant nationwide in mid-June in 1250 cases at the request of Argentina LGBT Federation. The numbers paint a picture considerably less polarized and opponent of the bill begins to move today key moments in the Senate (see separate article). So different from what has been said are the numbers that many of the districts whose senators and senators oppose the bill can hardly argue that they do because they want their constituents.

The existence of civil rights that protect both heterosexuals and homosexuals is affirmed by a large majority. 81 percent have ratified it, and even greater support is manifested when it comes to same-sex couples can share the social work (88.1 percent) or widowed who can collect a pension (83 percent). In light of these responses is not surprising 68.6 percent that is displayed according to two people of the same sex to marry because "we are all equal" (44.2) and "it is important that each person is free to decide what to do with his life" (37 , 6). The closeness note: Knowing situations is not an insignificant reason for this support: a 9 per cent said they supported marriage for two people of the same sex because "I have friends, child as relatives, peers working with men and understand. "

Notably, those who disagreed abbreviated the arguments: the nature, the laws of God (31.1 between the two) and religion (4 percent), tradition (25) and morality (9) accounted for 69, 1 percent.

The project that the House of Representatives passed in May harvest 69 percent support, and 66.8 percent of all respondents believe "very likely to approve" the senators. The answer will come in the coming days.

On tour in the provinces

In the city of Buenos Aires, 85.8 percent were in favor of the project defined a partial approval of Deputies, which probably no surprise to his detractors, in recent days engaged in narrow ground support to Buenos Aires. (The Senate and the City, on the other hand, have declared all to Please.) However, the survey responses paint a landscape where the provincial support for extending civil marriage between 50 and 70 percent. The information is even more revealing when we review what they have proclaimed and some of the representatives of these provinces to the Senate. To that, moreover, must also consider the before and after: in most provinces, the support for marriage for same-sex grew after the initial approval in Parliament.

The divorce electorate and representation could be serious in Cordoba. Two of its three representatives (Luis Juez, who today is one of the six signatories of the favorable opinion and Norma Morandini, who denounced pressures Episcopal) were in favor, the third, Ramon Mestre, has spoken out against allegations that it is "not to undermine the conception of marriage" and suggested making a "non-binding referendum" for " know what society wants. " 68.5 percent had given its agreement with the proposition that civil marriage was valid also for gay couples, such support climbed to 69.7 after the initial approval.

The province of Buenos Aires rose from 66.4 to 67 percent support, contradicting the majority opposition had alleged that Hilda "Chiche" Duhalde. Santa Fe and Corrientes share trend: 63.7 per cent were in favor of what passed in Parliament. In both cases, the average penalty seems to have added an extra social approval (in Santa Fe, 58.6 percent supported marriage in the abstract, in Corrientes 55.2). But while the first province Carlos Reutemann only opposes the project (Rubén Giustiniani and Roxana Latorre have already pledged their support), in Corrientes the situation is reversed: only Nito Artaza favor; Meabe Josefina and José María Roldán (who possibly tomorrow firm opinion for civil union) is rejected.

Another area in which the reading of their representatives appear distorted is La Pampa: 63 percent is in favor of what Members approved (before that did the 61.1). And yet the three senators (Maria de los Angeles Higonet, Juan Carlos Marino and Carlos Verna) have said or suggested on more than occasion that does not support it. Two of the three representatives of Chubut (Graciela Di Perna and Marcelo Guinle) have announced they will vote for the law, the third Mario Cimadevilla, now possibly a firm opinion on the draft civil union. The survey estimated at 62.3 percent support the text sanctioned by Parliament (that figure came from 55 percent).

More than half of the Mendoza population (56.2 percent) supported the project that could become law the Senate. It was against this province represents Rolando Bermudez, the commission member whose signature today could give majority opinion the extension of civil marriage. In Neuquén, which Senator Marcelo Fuentes your signature today will bill approved in May, support for same-sex marriage may climb to 56.4 percent.

source: pagina12.com.ar Bookmark and Share


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