Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Face Turns Red After I Eat

Venezuela managed to eliminate leprosy as a public health problem

The incidence rate of leprosy in Venezuela (no infectious disease transmissibility when properly treated) is 0.07%, compared to countries where it is still a problem public health, such as Brazil.

According to the specialist in leprosy and Biosciences Institute under the Ministry of Popular Power for Health, in 1997 Venezuela got less than one patient per 10 000 inhabitants is contaminated by the disease.

He explained that in a country believes that leprosy is a public health problem if more than one patient per 10 000 people with this disease. Situation which disappeared from the national territory, thanks to the destigmatización achieved in this infection.

The specialist noted that previously, patients with leprosy were isolated cruelly maimed and they were not given proper treatment. Moreover, it was a disease that denigrated and discriminated against the individual.

however, said that thanks to the technological and scientific advances, in which participated the Venezuelan scientist Jacinto Convit, leprosy is a treatable disease in humans and reduce the national incidence.

however, said that like any disease transmitted by bacteria, in this case by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis has some pockets but has always been a low incidence in Venezuela.

According to statistics from the Institute of Biomedicine, in 1990 424 new cases emerged and by 2009 there were 567 cases but with a population of 9 million difference 58 000 910 inhabitants.

Therefore, its detection rate has decreased from 0.22 to 0.20 cases.

The specialist said that the treatment of Leprosy is donated by the World Health Organization (WHO) and distributed timely and guaranteed by the Ministry of Health.

source: abn.info.ve Bookmark and Share


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