Tuesday, July 6, 2010

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"My subordinates carry out my orders"

Sitting next to Luciano Benjamin Menendez and twenty-nine other defendants for the murder of 31 political prisoners from the Cordoba UP1 Videla military court claimed, hid behind the decrees of Isabel Perón and anticipated that he will not testify. By Nora Veiras.

firm voice and tone with less military, Jorge Rafael Videla spoke for the first time in a court of democracy. "I take my responsibility in the civil war terrorism waged against subversive, my subordinates merely to fulfill my orders as commander in chief, "said the former general who led the last coup in Argentina. He repeated that the Tribunal Oral de Córdoba "no jurisdiction" to try him for crimes against humanity, claimed as his "natural judge of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces" and announced that he will not testify. In less than a month to meet 85 years and twelve years imprisonment, Videla came with better face, even during the dictatorship when told foreign correspondents: "The missing are neither alive nor dead, are de-sa-pa-re-ci-two. " The head of the Third Army Corps, Luciano Benjamin Menendez, one of the 31 accused for the torture and crimes committed in Prison Unit 1 (UP1) Córdoba was also the microphone. With the same script that is used in trials in which he was convicted and in Tucuman and Cordoba, said that "the Marxist terrorists, led from abroad, raided the Republic because they believed in our democratic institutions, now take it, take refuge and use those same democratic institutions to judge those who defend them. " Menendez then anticipated, as well as its top leader, he will not testify because they know the Civil Justice. Blameless

Last Friday just started to read the indictment against those responsible for the murder of thirty-one political prisoners from the UP1, between April and October 1976, Videla had wanted to talk. The Chief Jaime Diaz Gavier interrupted because that was not the quiet moment to listen. Videla, who had remained silent for the Trial of the Juntas in 1985, had the opportunity to elaborate, but did it for a few minutes. He recalled that "the Federal Court judged in my case all the facts (...) I believe that the facts constitute double jeopardy. Nobody can be tried twice for the same cause. " He said that in August 1984 first declared before the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and "always recognized the authorship of the guidelines I gave to comply with a directive from the Ministry of Defence and the decrees signed by the Executive in full exercise of its constitutional powers. The directives were regarded as unobjectionable by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. " Upon taking office

Raul Alfonsin, the December 10, 1983, issued Decree 158, which established for the trial of the first three military juntas through the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. On 13 February '84, with the delays and lack of will shown by the military court is punishable by law to amend the Code of Military Justice authorizes the Civil Justice to intervene. On 11 July '84, the Federal Supreme Council tells investigate whether there were human rights violations. September 25 is when the military tribunal meets and qualifies as "indisputable" "decrees, directives, orders of operations, etc., which specifies the military action against terrorist subversion." On 4 October, the Federal Chamber moves to military judges and takes over the historic trial. Videla was sentenced to life imprisonment, perpetual disqualification, removal military grade. Former President Carlos Saul Menem pardoned in 1990, eight years later he returned to prison for a case of theft of babies: 38 days passed in the Caseros prison and then under house arrest until 2008 he was detained in prison under the Federal Penitentiary Service in Campo de Mayo.

Videla, like Menendez, never recognized the civil jurisdiction. Yesterday, before warning that it will not be allowed to declare a clarification on the charge hanging over him for the murder of thirty-one political prisoners. He said "it was mentioned on Friday that the police was subject to Córdoba from 24 March '76 The Army when, in fact, by decree of October 6, 1975 signed by the doctor (Italo) Luder was available from that date that all the police were under the operational control of the armed forces. "

That is another key argument of the defense of the repressors, which is only limited to comply with the decrees of "suppression of subversion" dictated by Luder, as interim president, during the reign of Isabel Martínez de Perón. Fermin Rivera's testimony is eloquent of the change meant the jump from democracy to dictatorship for detainees in the UP1 (see page 2). Subordinates

Videla ended, spoke with her well-known Menendez contextualization on "international Marxism" that inspired "the rebels against Western and Christian society." This may not paraphrased, as last December in another trial that has as its protagonist, the Minister of Education fleeting Buenos Aires, Abel Posse, but remained faithful to the script. The sound problems that were repeated Videla annoyed with some of the 17 soldiers, 13 police and civilian medical, but were no obstacle to speak without inhibitions. At the point where we will continue with their speeches.

Among those listening was made Commissioner Carlos Alfredo Yanicelli retired major, alias Toucan, indicted for torture to 210 people and six murders. Yanicelli was appointed Director of Criminal Intelligence Oscar Cordoba Police Aguad while serving as Interior Minister Ramón Mestre. Aguad is now the president of the radical caucus in the House of Deputies.

Retired Colonel Osvaldo Cesar Quiroga called for a foot to the microphone and sent for one hour. Quiroga, like most of the other officers claimed that Videla has assumed his responsibility as leader and simply mark the fulfillment of orders. Quiroga also participated in the repression in the field concentration of La Perla. The retired lieutenant colonel Enrique Pedro Mones Ruiz tried to show off some theatrics to criticize the secretary of National Human Rights, Eduardo Luis Duhalde, and was admonished by the court (see separate article).

When the afternoon gave way to night, Francisco Paul D'Aloia continued talking and was the only one who agreed to answer questions. The prosecutor, some advocates and even other defendants then recreated unprecedented dialogue that continues today. D'Aloia, accused of involvement in the transfer of prisoners, the mechanism to cure the alleged leak to justify the shootings, asked for a board to continue today with his defense. To representatives of all human rights organizations and relatives of the victims, continue to repeat their arguments that does not arise even repentance for the atrocities. A group of relatives of the defendants share the area in which first opened his mouth in front of judges of democracy the military longer exercised de facto power in Argentina: Videla, for five years.

source: pagina12.com.ar Bookmark and Share


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