Thursday, March 10, 2011

Silverado With Ss Bumper 01 Red

A picture of Disney


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How To Use Headscissors


few days ago through the blog of some friends I learned that there was a club, the club of the Bakers. I decided to approach to see what it was and the truth is that I thought it was great. The idea came from a girl of Algeciras, Mariana and gradually increasing numbers of people belonging to this club to share passion for cakes, cookies, cupcakes .... The idea is to meet, share our passion and knowledge.
If you want FREE list and be part of this blog, this is the blog of Mariana:

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Replace Flyback


My first encounter with the Simpsons, I knew that sooner or later come. I ordered this cake with all its details. Hommer with a command of a console and watching Marge. I must admit that was complicated, with the little time I have things just coming together and you know they are less hours of sleep, some days they cost, but has been a challenge and I love it.

The cake was elected ... Do you know what?, If the famous chocolate cake and made my first filling Chocolate buttercream. Hottie indeed. I put the recipe:

110 g butter - 150 g of icing sugar
- 120 g of chocolate

First we beat the butter well with a whisk, about 5 minutes . That it is important that the butter was at room temperature.
then go gradually adding powdered sugar, I added a tablespoon until the previous had been incorporated into the butter. Finally
melt the chocolate and once warm is added to the mixture. Let stand
is only a little better out of the refrigerator if it is not hard and you're done.

now is just show you the result of the cake:

Now I leave you some detail of the Simpson marriage and the beers of Hommer he could not miss, and their donuts.

Hope you liked the result, I am very happy as it was.
Kisses to all.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Signs Of Hpv In Throat


few days ago a great teacher Rosa cookies, flavored crackers ( ) published a recipe that made me enter a mad desire to try. Were a condensed milk cookies, yes, yes, how great, so when I had the opportunity I got to work. The

INGREDIENTS required are:
- 200 grams
condensed milk - 2 egg yolks
flour 400 grams - 200 grams of butter at room temperature

- Mix the butter with the egg.
- Add the condensed milk and sifted flour.
- Knead
- Roll out the dough and cut cookies, we will place on the baking sheet on a baking paper.
- Preheat oven and bake about 8 minutes at approximately 160 ยบ.
- We leave to cool.
The result was amazing, truly have a special taste, and very rich.

a model that I enjoyed my kids and their friends from school ...

... and others for the elderly.
In my house gave me the idea to rub them a little dulce de leche and truly was a great idea, if possible still more good .. all sweet sin.

Kisses to all and enjoy them, and certainly Rosa, thank you for such exceptional ideas.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chewbacca Masks Step Brothers

What one reads through the streets as

"But that of course the little message" who wrote it, black pig?

At least they can not sue for false advertising

can not afford to lose your shopping

"Pendray of 8 Yiga" as not buy from someone with such good spelling

Private Love Making Clips

Define infidelity JJ

The term refers to Fidelity mutual respect for members of a couple in particular to respect and implementation of an agreement, implicit or explicit, of exclusivity. In this context, being faithful means thinking about the person we have on one side, her pear to be there, do not hide anything about other people, only to have intimate relations with the person we decided to have our side, that is our partner.

must also say that the word loyalty is not a term exclusive to a relationship, but also commitments, agreements or covenants made in any nature. I must say that infidelity is not the same as adultery.

The concepts are very clear and based solely on the couple relationship can be termed cheating on the person basing on the above or are there out there some things which should not be cataloged unfaithful to our spouses, there are some gaps in it to be unfaithful or things that should not be classed as an act of infidelity. I have 5 occasions in which we do not know if or if not, you must catalog the unfaithful partner, I announce the following:

Situation 1 .- The Kiss

are in a party with your friends and see her friends in the farewell or greeting your partner gives a peak (touch lips with lip) with his friend and then continue talking with her as if nothing had happened. End the festival and not what you said. This can be classed as infidelity, you feel that your partner is unfaithful. Or we think it's just a reflex and not make a scandal. Beak is a sufficient cause for cataloging of cheating or expect to see a kiss with the tongue to soak


Situation 2 .-


There are situations in life that is required to be charming, give the appearance be nice, a gentleman and sometimes draw the attention of another person, called flirtation, in fact the quintessential woman is flirtatious and can not help. See your partner flirting with someone you can categorize as infidelity is infidelity to be flirtatious. For me going more respect than what infidelity.

Scenario 3 .- lust and desire

Some say that should not be unfaithful or the thought but who has not fantasized about a woman be it international or domestic actor, co-workers, neighbors and even friends in your girlfriend or wife, the same applies to women. You can classify it as infidelity? allowed us to fantasize about someone other than your partner?. The mind tricks the body itself.

Situation 4 .-

cabaret nights

These men in a night of partying in "Treasure Island" watching dancing with scantily clad women and bare female attributes, you dance close to you and you are exposed to friction with those bodies desirable, friends recorded on their cell phones actions and your partner discovers these videos, you may be charged with infidelity?

Situation 5 .- text messages

Review your partner's phone and text messages you find it with a friend and discover messages that this friend of hints passed to your partner, words like heart, baby My love, my king, etc. These are reasons to suspect infidelity by your partner are just phrases that have become common in dealing with a friend?

We must get on both sides of the coin to see if the reactions would be the same because it is not the same to be star one of these situations or be one of those affected. Think about it and tell me.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Disable Disk Sims 3 Mac

muffins and chocolate chips

few days ago I mentioned that I was going to put the recipe of pumpkin and chocolate cakes were used for Valentine's Day and as I promised here is the recipe.
First of all tell you that when I was looking for was to make many recipes online, at the end I decided that I am going to tell, but I changed some things, so I can say that is not exactly the same recipe.

- 400g roasted pumpkin
- 4 eggs at room temperature
- 350g brown sugar
300g flour - 1 on yeast
- 75g
chocolate chips - 1 teaspoon
Cinnamon - 175ml olive oil
- a pinch of salt
- 100ml milk

The original recipe was nuts and had no more milk but it is so fluffy.

First the pumpkin mixture with the eggs and sugar.
Mix the flour with the cinnamon, salt and yeast and screened all adding to the mixture.
then added milk, olive oil and finally add the chocolate chips.
Place in pan, cake or muffins and baked at 180 ยบ C for about 20 minutes.

remain spectacular, I tell you knowingly.

is one of the recipes that are most like in my house and I hope you also like you .

Kisses to all

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Implantation When Period Is Due


First of all, and I know a bit late, hope everyone a happy day pasรกrais VALENTINE ... That special someone I did spend a special day and a sweet tuviรฉrais qualifying day.
I under the guise of the time I decided to try a new prescription and make a couple of cakes, one for my parents and one for home.

The cake I made was a pumpkin cake with chocolate chips which I will put in an upcoming post the recipe and the filling was used in a dulce de leche and the other with Nutella.

Details of the cakes were quite simple, do not have much time and did what I could, but I must admit that ... and were pretty good, at least that's what I said in my house.

Here I put some pictures and a small detail of them.

Hope you like, I have to admit that were resultรณn ....

... and here I leave a detail of a very special gift I received, a gift that made my son more than 5 years, precious ...

Kisses to all

What To Salvage From A Projection Tv

to dismiss

I can not believe it, a few days ago
Ellen ELENA tarts sent me a message saying he had decided to include within 15 blogs that would give a prize. A smile on my face and then made me proud of this work that I love and for which I have so little time (the surplus of my duties working mother).
This is my second prize and I am a real disaster because I missed the announcement of Susan COOKING WITH PLEASURE, had previously given me another award. Thank you Susan and sorry for my forgetfulness ... so my hope is twofold at this time, and makes me feel happy to see that people appreciate my work and so I want to thank Susan and Elena this support, many thanks.

The award by Susana included 5 conditions for acceptance:
1. Who sends him thank you with a link to your blog
2. Write a post about the award
3. Deliver it to 10 blogs that you consider deserving
4. Place a link to each blog award
5. Notify distiguidos of distinction granted

The award by Elena leads in turn to tell you seven things about me, and give fifteen other blogs and , those blogs that you like and you feel it especially in the first place I write these seven things about me to know me a little better and then will choose to continue to prize my fifteen posts, and let you know so they know where they pick it up, hoping that you do so excited as my ... not know where to start, but here we go:
1 - I love to enjoy time with people I love, is a must for me.
2 - I'm a bit of a perfectionist, that's good but sometimes get desperate.
3 - I love music, dancing ...
4 - I also love reading, but with so many hobbies I have little time to DECIC.
5 - Photography is another of my hobbies, which I am still very green, but eventually .... hopefully I can keep that same time for all .
6 - I'm a sensitive person, also some good moments and bad in others ... like everything, depends on when .
7. I love orchids, sea horses, bobcats ... I love nature.

Well, as I have said some things about me, now is the turn of handing over of the awards and grant them to 15 blogs, trying not repeat ...

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Manifesto in defense of fundamental rights on the Internet (reloaded)

It has passed the Law Sinde. We must return to the load.

"Given the inclusion in the Draft Law on Sustainable economy of legislative changes affecting the free exercise of freedom of expression, information and the right of access to culture through the Internet, journalists, bloggers, users, Internet professionals and developers express our firm opposition to the project, and declare that ...

1 .- Copyright can not be above the fundamental rights of citizens, including the right to privacy, security, the presumption of innocence, to effective judicial protection and freedom of expression.

2 .- The suspension of fundamental rights is and must remain the exclusive competence of the judiciary. Not a close without trial. This blueprint, contrary to the provisions of Article 20.5 of the Constitution, put in the hands of a non-judicial body - a body under the Ministry of Culture - the power to prevent English citizens access to any website. 3 .-

The new legislation will create legal uncertainty around the English technology sector, damaging one of the few areas of development and future of our economy , hindering the creation of business by introducing barriers to competition and slowing its international expansion. 4 .-

The new proposed legislation threatens the creativity and hinder cultural creation. With The Internet and new technologies have democratized the creation and release of contents of any kind, no longer come predominantly from the traditional cultural industries, but from many different sources. 5 .-

Authors, like all workers are entitled to live out of their creative ideas, business models and activities associated with their creations . Trying to hold with legislative changes to an outdated industry that can adapt to this new environment is neither fair nor realistic. If your business model is based on the control of the copies of the works and the Internet is not possible without violating fundamental rights, should find another model. 6 .-

believe that cultural industries need to survive modern alternatives, effective, credible and affordable to suit new social uses , rather than limitations so disproportionate as to be ineffective in that they are pursuing.

7 .- Internet should function freely and without interference from groups that seek to perpetuate outdated business models and make it impossible for human knowledge remains free.

8 .-

We urge the Government to guarantee the neutrality of the law in Spain network, to any pressure that may occur as a framework for developing a sustainable economy for the future. 9 .-

propose a real reform of intellectual property rights-oriented end: return to the society of knowledge, promote the public domain and limit abuses of management entities.

10 .- In a democracy, laws and amendments should be adopted after due debate and consultation with all parties involved . It is unacceptable that legislative changes are made that affect rights fundamental organic no law that deals with other matters. "

Pddj Red 5.2 Build 1023

Spanish companies (reloaded)

The government of Abu Dhabi (always been well written, not Abu Dhabi) buys CEPSA. Now do not English? Do we have privileged this past year? Why? I self-citation to an input of 2007:

In this globalized economy, in line with the controversy of the famous "Why do not you shut up?" The Venezuelan president's main threat in the crisis means that going to look magnifying glass to English companies.
But what are the English companies?, And most importantly, What are the benefits for Spain? Is the government protect the interests of English companies?
All these questions have been crowded into my head suddenly. English companies which are primarily concerned Chavez Repsol, Telefonica, Iberia, etc. They putean me here in Spain. I raise the gasoline every time oil goes up and made to lower the slackers, the ones who get to keep the ADSL among the most expensive in Europe, which monopolize the slots at airports, and their exorbitant prices and abuse in airports, treat me like crap rather than as a customer. These are the English companies.
But why are English? Because your capital is in the hands of English? Why employees are in Spain?
Repsol Repsol-YPF is called, because he bought YPF, a multinational South America, and now assumes that the government of my country must defend its interests there. Ie, making YPF, now is my business. Telefonica has bought hundreds of telcos in South America at the expense of my ADSL, and now my government has to defend their interests. Iberia has done the same with the privatization of airlines in South America, and my government is supposed to defend their interests.
top, across South America are pissed off with my country because they say that these companies behave badly there. I already know that here misbehave, I never knew there too, but I suffer over their grievances.
Yesterday I read that Air France and KLM are about to buy Iberia. So it is no longer English?, We should withdraw our support, of course. In addition we should complain to the French government will begin to defend their interests or not?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Impetigo In Diabetic Dogs


Another request more for a double birthday.
In this case it was a cake of SpongeBob and Hello Kitty, and no chocolate for two brothers who were going to celebrate his birthday the same day ....
the result.

Details of the protagonists ...
I must admit that I loved the results of the two, but Hello Kitty was precious for my taste, very funny, with her purse and Pamela, I hope that others thought the same thing.
Finally the end result of this blend so special:

Kisses to all and until next

Friday, February 11, 2011

How To Get Getty Images Without Watermarks


An old friend from my school years I ordered this cake for the birthday of her boyfriend and her sister.
The cake had to meet certain requirements had to be a cyclist, because he likes a lot and then had to have triki and a fairy. Honestly I must admit that I struggled a bit to marry him all, not sure how to include everything on the cake, but it was a challenge that had to overcome.
I present first the protagonists:

Triki with cookies and Of course the helmet cilista, and the fairy, with details of their wings with glitter.
I put also some elements that were part of the decoration:

The bike and of course a cookie with the birthday age.

The cake was almost always chosen as the chocolate and chocolate ganache filling.
And finally I show the final result:

a very profitable pie. My partner told me they loved it. That is a joy forever. Greetings to all

Labia Minora Varicose Veins

Today I am very happy, a companion, NOELIA, NOELIA's CORNER, received a few days ago and I warmly thank the detail that took me to include me among one of the people who I dedicated the award.
These details make me feel proud of my work, which often is not very happy one, by the time you have or the lack of inspiration, but the person receiving it always accepted with thanks. Thank
wholeheartedly beautiful, and many thanks to all who share with me my blog.
Kisses for everyone.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Church Greetings And Welcome


33 years of the death of the Nightingale of America. Julio Jaramillo died on this day his funeral was one of the most popular.

Every year the town Guayaquil meets at the foot of his grave to sing and to remember their successes. His music has been interpreted by different generations and known by all.

Who has not stuck some linkages with the music of JJ

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Testical Cheak By Women Docter


Hi all again.
A week ago a beautiful boy named Sergio was doing his first birthday. He is the son of one of my best friends from childhood and I had ordered a cake for that special moment.
The theme, Mickey, because the smaller each time you see him go crazy ..... y. to work.

wanted the cake to have every possible detail, (my short time working mothers lets me), so I started to model with no time for the train caught me as I had done before.

some of the details that made the cake, the balloons with the name of the small and mickey party of course and the park gate and a balloon mickey ...

and the end result was ...

The choice was chocolate cake with chocolate syrup and filling ... and what do you think you have painted?

Kisses to all.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I Want To Buy A Blowup Wrestling Rink

This weekend we celebrate the birthday of my mother and thought I would forward to receiving a special gift in the form of a cake for her.

I love chocolate, so the choice was simple chocolate cake and chocolate ganache filling, let's total light.

design also something simple because you love flowers, for that to work to shape roses.
The result you can see it here:

You can also see some of the details of the roses, I loved how they were ... and the next I leave some details of the moment and the cut ...

Apetece right?.

I think everybody liked and we fulfill the purpose.

Greetings to all.